R&R (Relaxation & Rage)

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Just like the last two days, I awoke in my own bed with a smile on my face and a spring in my step. Only this time, I could actually hear noise from outside my room. It was muffled, so it couldn't wake me up, but just loud enough so I could hear it. It was coming from the Rec Room, which made me very curious.

It was just then when I noticed Gladius and Maple were also missing, so I wondered if they were amongst the chaos of the room. But that was debunked when the two of them entered from the hallway. Gladius was using his telekinesis to carry a glass of what I presumed orange juice while Maple balanced a tray with food atop his head.

The sword hovered over and placed the glass of juice on my nightstand. "Good morning, Caleb. You slept in late."

I glanced at my bedside clock, and saw it was 10:10 AM. At the sight, I made a quick hum. "So I have. Guess yesterday took a lot out of me."

"Not for the others", the sword said in a jolly tone. "They woke up around six so they could get started on their relaxation day. Been at it for a while."

"What about you two?" I asked as Maple hopped onto the bed, careful not to spill the tray of my breakfast.

"We were asleep till about an hour ago", Gladius explained. "And when we saw you were still asleep, me and Maple decided to get you a little special surprise."

I looked down at the tray in my lap and smiled at the yummy looking omelette. "Well, this looks delicious. Did Rainbow have the staff make this for me?"

Gladius shook his hilt. "I made it myself!"

I looked at him in surprise, and with the offered fork, I took a bite. "Holy shit this is delicious."

"Being around as long as I have means you pick up a think or two from the thousands of cookbooks found in the archives."

"Makes sense", I said with a shrug. I began to dig into the delicious breakfast as Maple climbed into his flower pot. As I ate my breakfast, I watched Gladius as he hovered around the room, dusting surfaces with his feathered wing.

"You should finish up soon, Caleb", Gladius mentioned. "Me and Maple ran into Steve and Katania on the way back, and they really were hoping you would join them all soon."

I swallowed my bite. "Are you not tagging along?"

"Maple is. I have something important to do, Rainbow's request. So I'll be busy for a while."

I nodded and quickly finished my breakfast. Gladius took the used tray and empty glass as I sprung off my bed to go and brush my teeth and shower. I simply picked out another set of pj's for today, and quickly washed the bed head and morning smell of me. I also made sure to brush my teeth, doing a thorough job before heading back into my bedroom.

Gladius was gone already, which only made me so much more curious about what he was doing. I looked at Maple, silently questioning if the plant knew what Gladius was talking about. Much to my surprise and disappointment, the Wasabi Whip shook his head. With a sigh, I headed towards the door that led from my room to the Rec Room.

Only to jump back and cry out in fright when Majima suddenly slammed the door open and walked in.

We both stared blankly at each other for a few seconds, before the yakuza rolled his eyes. "About time you woke up, Caleb-Chan."

I gave him a flat look. "I just did, thank you", I droned out. "I had breakfast, and just finished getting ready."

The eyepatched men gave my body a long look. "Going with the 'to fucking lazy to do life' look, huh?"

It was then my turn to roll my eyes while Maple stuck his tongue out at the yakuza. "Yeah, yeah, whatever Goro. I just wanted to be comfy if we were having a lazy day."

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