Castle Contraptions

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I awoke with a headache and crick in my neck, which wasn't that desirable. I groaned as I made a move to sit up, and realised I was in my bed, in the pyjamas I wore yesterday for our lazy day. That was when I remembered what happened. Merida was up on the second floor of the library with me, trying to calm me down from a very bad bout of emotion.

I let out a guttural groan, rubbing my hands harshly on my face as I tried to rub the sleep out of them. And doing this, I could feel how raw my face was. How long was I crying for?

I pushed the thought aside and begrudgingly got out of bed, ready to get all washed up and ready. I picked out a fresh change of clothes...

And finally realised I was alone in my room. Looking back to the bed, I noticed Gladius was nowhere in sight, and even Maple wasn't in his flower pot.

It filled me with this uneasy feeling that I had probably passed out from all the crying and had to be taken to bed. I looked down and blushed despite being all alone, ashamed at myself for losing control that much.

I sighed and continued picking out a fresh change of clothes, before heading into my bathroom to shower. I turned the water on and sat on the toilet, my thoughts stewing as I waited for my shower to warm up. This was going to be difficult, and I feared about when it would be time, but all I did was close my eyes and took a deep breath.

Merida was right. And I knew what I needed to do.

When I noticed my bathroom mirror fogging up, I got undressed and simply let the water wash over my body. It relaxed my sore neck and helped give life back to my face. I took a good long while, just letting the water beating down on me before I actually decided to start getting cleaned. After washing myself down and drying off, I wiped away the fog at the mirror and looked at my reflection.

My eyes were still a bit red, but otherwise I looked good. I ruffled my hair into its usual messy mop and quickly brushed my teeth. With my morning routine finished, I left the bathroom and made my way over towards the door to the hallway.

Only to pause, and chose to head out the way that went to the Rec Room.

Heading through the door, I was greeted by an empty, quiet room. Well, empty except for a sleeping sword and plant on the couch. I gave Gladius and Maple a small smile, and carefully walked past them and sat down on a nearby armchair. It was soft, and I simply sank into it as I watched my two companions with a wistful look.

I took a deep breath when I turned my attention away from them so I could scan around the room, but that was apparently enough noise to wake my friends up. I watched as Gladius, without his scabbard, stirred and stretched, a drowsy Maple wiggling off of him.

"Hmmmmmm...?" The sword grumbled. He began to hover, looking over at me. "Ah... Caleb. Good morning."

"Hey", I greeted quietly as Maple slowly made his way over to me and onto my lap. "What are you two doing out here?"

"Well, last night", The sword explained, "When I was finally able to make it back to the Rec Room, Merida was coming out of the library with you passed out in her arms. She lied to the others that you were just really tired after all the energy and excitement yesterday, and it ended up knocking you out."

"But I'm assuming she told you the truth?" I mumbled.

Gladius nodded. "I helped her get you into bed, and she explained to me about how distraught you became because of... that. So me and Maple decided to let you sleep in peace."

I nodded sadly and subconsciously chose not to look at him. "I just... I can't handle a goodbye. I don't like that permanency.

"I understand that", the sword continued. "I will be honest, that was what me and Rainbow were arguing about yesterday. She was trying to put her foot down about the others, but I didn't let her get a word in. After you suddenly popped up, it seemed to suddenly hit her that she could lose you again."

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