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Flowey's boisterous, psychotic laugh rang endlessly throughout my head as Galacta set me down on the ground with the rest of the group. We all had our eyes glued to the freakish beast that barely stayed balanced atop the skyscraper before us. The TV screen that housed the monstrosity's face aimed down at us, his crooked, frozen grin filling me with a feeling of dread.

"Finally!!!" He barked, "Oh how long I've been waiting to unleash this. And best of all, there's no bratty Frisk here to 'call for help' like the little baby they are to mess with my plans."

He let out another laugh, and began to scale down the building.

"Caleb!" Izzy shouted, spinning me around and shaking me, 'What is that?! What is going on?!"

"Flowey", I said breathlessly, almost in a trance. "He's unlocked his Omega form. This was what I was worried about. He's at his strongest now."

"Not on my watch", Jenny said. She shot off into the sky right at the beast. He faced her, and his grin seemed to grow.

"Well well well, looks like I've already got some pests buzzing around my head", he spat sarcastically. Suddenly, from the underside of the body, way too many vines shot out at light speeds. Jenny barely had time to react before she was slammed with the full force of them all, the force throwing her through multiple buildings.

"Jenny!" Most of the group cried. I was going to, but I lost my voice when Omega Flowey looked right at me.

"Might as well play exterminator", he said with a shrug. Suddenly, the eyes on the fleshy head began to fire out dozens of four-tipped star projectiles right at all of us. I let out a scream of terror and dashed away, hugging Gladius close. The rest of the gang followed suit, while Galacta flew off to find Jenny. The projectiles ripped up the road and any buildings they contacted. We all dashed around a corner, and nearly missed the barrage as it continued down the street for a while.

I clutched my chest tightly as I let out laboured breaths. "We need to get out of here and think of a plan NOW", Steve said, his eyes wide with terror.

"But what can we do?" Iris asked fearfully. She tried to peek around the corner, but the sound of shattering glass shattered her own nerves.

"We'll go back to our house", Blossom interjected. "Hopefully Flowey at least stays in the city just long enough so we can corner him and crush him!"

"I agree", Galacta sounded off. He and Jenny landed next to us, and the robot, while scuffed, didn't look too damaged.

"Yeah", she said with a stiff nod, "We can't stay here."

The rest of us all nodded, and we were all going to leave, except...

"Oh, what are you idiots doing?" Asked the crux of our plight. I snapped my head around, and turning the corner after us was the Chemical X fueled beast.

"Trying to run away, are you?" His voice was seeping with venom. "Awww, and I thought we were having fun!"

"Fuck off!" Majima roared back.

This just earned a giggle from the beast. "That's no way to talk to your friend! It's time I teach you some manners!" We all instantly took off running as several photo realistic hands appeared from nowhere. They fired off the pointing and middle fingers at us like pistols, and were all ducked and jumped over any that got too close. After the barrage stopped, Jenny, Galacta, the Powerpuff Girls, Star and Zomboss all carried us all out of there (the latter two summoning their main forms of transport), leaving the beast behind. I was carried by the injured Jenny, still hugging Gladius close to my chest despite his blade making my arms sting a bit.

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