Chapter Thirteen

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Carmen was engulfed by a feeling of intense anger, the likes of which she had never experienced before

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Carmen was engulfed by a feeling of intense anger, the likes of which she had never experienced before. It was true that she had been through painful experiences in the past, times when even those closest to her had inflicted deep wounds on her heart. Her own mother had once abandoned her in pursuit of a better job, leaving Carmen feeling alone and abandoned.

But what Simon had done to her was far worse than any physical blow. He had always acted as if he didn't know her, as if she were a stranger to him. But how could that be possible when he had known Jenna well enough to help her escape from the wedding? The betrayal cut deep, leaving Carmen with a seething rage that consumed her every thought. The injustice of it all left her feeling helpless and vulnerable, as if the ground beneath her feet had suddenly given way.

Had he been lying to her the whole time? Was anything he said or did, or the way he made her feel, even remotely true? Or had he played her like a well-planned chess piece? Anything was possible in the world of wealth, wasn't it? This was why her father had always been worried about her. He didn't want his tiny baby to become entangled in a web of lies and conspiracies. He had urged her to be cautious and not let anyone take advantage of her gullible heart.

God, her head was spinning so wildly that she had to come to a complete halt to get her head straight and her breathing even. There was no doubt in her mind that she needed to confront Simon right away. She needed to know about his relationship with Jenna Rivers, how well he knew her, and what reason did he have to help her out in the past.

But she should have known better. Simon Walsh was too good to be true. The presence of him in her life could not have happened by coincidence, could it? Only a week after her divorce from Ronin, she was sitting on his lap and making out in the back of his car.

How stupid could she have been to walk right into this trap? If it wasn't a trap, that is. Because something was still pushing at the back of her mind, trying to persuade her that there was more to the story than what she could see. As if there was something that still made no sense. But maybe that's why this confrontation seemed like it was absolutely necessary. Because she wouldn't be able to put her mind on anything until she cleared up this huge blunder.

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