Chapter Twenty Five

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Ronin had just left his suite when, out of nowhere, a little girl came crashing into him

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Ronin had just left his suite when, out of nowhere, a little girl came crashing into him. At first, he was completely caught off guard, wondering what the actual heck just happened. But then, he looked down and saw a little munchkin, no older than five, staring up at him with those innocent, doe-like eyes and a mischievous grin on her face.

Ronin couldn't for the life of him figure out what was so amusing about the whole situation, but he didn't bother voicing his confusion. Instead, he gently grabbed the kid by her tiny shoulder, giving her a nudge to the side so he could make his way through the narrow corridor and hop into the elevator, heading downstairs for the party.

However, he might have been done with the little girl, but the little girl was hardly done with him. Before he could catch her drift, she nabbed the phone from the pocket of his pants—as if she knew exactly where it was—and ran off in the opposite direction.

"Hey!" Ronin shouted after her, realizing he had no choice but to give chase. He certainly didn't want to lose his phone, especially considering the valuable contents it held. He sprinted after her, shouting, "Come back! What the hell?"

His heart pounded in his chest as he weaved through the twists and turns of the hallway, determined to catch up to the elusive little girl. Every corner he turned seemed to reveal a new corridor, prolonging the chase and testing his stamina.

It was impossible with her little legs to stay ahead of him for a very long time, but as if the universe had conspired against him. Just when he thought he had her within reach, fate decided to play its hand. A rowdy swarm of loud, intoxicated partygoers spilled into the corridor, filling the space with their drunken laughter and off-key singing. Ronin found himself forced to weave through the cluttered crowd, bumping into people left and right, all in pursuit of the elusive little girl.

Yet, in the blink of an eye, she vanished into thin air.

"Shit!" Frustrated, he raked a hand through his hair, scanning the place around, only to get more and more annoyed. "What the hell, man!"

A faint squeak echoed from the end of another corridor on his right, catching Ronin's attention. He caught a fleeting glimpse of her adorable pink dress, confirming that it was indeed the same mischievous kid. Without hesitation, he kicked into high gear and sprinted after her.

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