Chapter 103

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"Aw, not that I don't love a good melodrama of two brothers finally burying the hatchet, but let's face it—it gets old real quick, doesn't it?" A familiar voice arrived and interrupted the brothers' moment.

Carmen stepped forward, walking around Ronin and Eric. Her eyes widened when she recognized the person to whom the voice belonged. "Jenna?"

"What the hell?" Ronin helpfully supplied.

"You must be kidding me!" Eric grumbled. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He couldn't help but ask, walking past Carmen and Ronin, as if being protective of them.

Jenna chuckled, tilting her head and twirling a strand of her hair. "You might've switched sides, Eric, but not everyone's as disloyal as you."

"What's going on here?" Carmen asked, struggling to make sense of the situation. "I don't... I don't get it."

Jenna smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. "Oh, you'll get the whole damn story soon enough, sweet Carmen. For now, let's get settled in." She snapped her fingers and they all watched as dozens of surly-looking men arrived and pointed their guns at the trio. "James will be here any moment now. Let's give him a warm welcome, shall we?"

"James?" Ronin looked just as confused. "Since when did you get acquainted with James?"

Slowly, Jenna made her way to him, the heels of her boots clicking against the marble. "Since the moment he sponsored my career after you and Simon royally messed it up on that damn cruise. I hope you remember because I do, and it would be really awkward if you don't."

Carmen turned to Eric, brows furrowing. "Did you know about this?"

Guilt was the look that crossed Eric's face. "Not that I saw with my own eyes, but I knew he was messing around with someone younger than him. But what he did in his personal life wasn't any of my business in the first place. I know what? One thing that I don't understand..." he turned to Jenna. "How did you get here? I was careful while buying this property. No one knew about it except for me and now Carmen and Ronin."

"Well, maybe you weren't as careful as you thought," Jenna walked past them and headed inside, ignoring them completely. "Come on, guys. Let's continue this inside. I don't want an audience before James even shows up."

Just the thought of James and Jenna having something going on gave Carmen the creeps. James was probably in his fifties or perhaps even older, and for Jenna to mess around with someone like him... was it crazy to think it made no sense?

To even say that the two of them were in love... no. No! That made no sense either. As long as she had known Jenna, she was opportunistic. And as she already confessed, James helped her after her career took a nosedive following what happened on the cruise. The time when she had tried to humiliate Carmen and even attempted to push her off the ship.

She knew Simon had done something about it; he had mentioned something along the lines of when they were still testing the waters after the whole helping-Jenna-escape-the-wedding incident. But the way she had accused Ronin just now, she wondered if Ronin had played a role too.

Jenna's henchmen ushered them back inside. However, instead of congregating in the office like earlier, they all ended up in a room that looked like an empty kitchen and dining area. The sole source of light seemed to be a few bulbs hanging form the ceiling and because there was no place to actually sit, Jenna leaned against what seemed like a counter and turned to face them all.

"Please don't tell me you walked out on our wedding because you were somehow in love with James," Ronin forced the words out of his mouth, but as he scanned the room, he could sense that his question wasn't entirely unfounded. Eric and Carmen seemed to share his suspicions.

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