Chapter 123

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While Diana paced the sidewalk, talking over the phone and doing her best to explain everything to (hopefully) Simon, Dan grabbed Willow's arm and dragged her to the side.

Once they were out of Diana's earshot, a deep frown crossed his ruggedly handsome face. "Did you just lie to her?"

Willow had no clue what he was talking about. "About what?"

Dan grunted, but held himself from shaking her by the shoulders, telling her to not be so blissfully ignorant. "About the device. You told her that Carmen gave it to Alice—or her child—however you put it. But the truth is that you stole it, isn't it? You stole it from Carmen. That's at least what you told me."

Willow bit her lip and averted her eyes. Dan was right. She had stolen the device from Carmen. She had taken it because when Alice told her about the device, she had decided to humor herself and see if things like that could really exist. She was curious. She had to know.

She shook her head, glancing over her shoulder and noticing Diana still on the call. It made her think though. Out of impulse, she might have lied, but didn't Diana have the memory of it? Wasn't Diana the only person to remember that she had time-traveled? How come she did not say anything?

She frowned, not able to understand if Diana's memory was actually wiped clean about the time-traveling, or if her knowing was merely a repercussion of toying with time, and now the time had righted itself, bringing the balance back in the world.

Wait. Was it possible that, like Diana, soon she would forget everything too?

Shit. How much time did she have?

She frowned harder. "It doesn't matter."

"Why?" he taunted, unaware of the war inside her. "Because you think you can get away with it?"

Willow turned to face him. "No, because it doesn't matter. Diana is already desperate enough. She wants Carmen and Ronin alive, just like we do. I don't think she cares about a stupid lie I told her. She doesn't know what happened in the previous reality, and frankly speaking, maybe it's better that way. What happened had happened in the past. Do you think she would have trusted my judgment if I told her that I did something like stealing from her daughter? No. She wouldn't have believed me at all."

Dan sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. Willow could tell he was still bothered. But she didn't care. She was telling the truth when she said Diana wouldn't care about her lie. It was not the time to care about such trivial things. They had bigger problems to worry about.

Dan exhaled loudly, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. "I guess you're right."

Relief flooded through Willow's veins. "Really?"

Dan opened his eyes and nodded. "Yeah, even though lying at this time is the stupid thing to do, especially when you don't know how it might turn out, but you do have a point. We can't risk Diana losing trust in us. But you should really tell her the truth after all of this is over."

Willow wasn't sure if she wanted to do that, but she nodded nonetheless. "I will. I promise."


They both stared at each other, the tension between them growing thicker and thicker by the second. If only he knew that wasn't the only lie she had told. She didn't tell him that in their previous timeline, he had been in love with her, that he had got down on one knee in the middle of the street and proposed to her. He didn't know that they had kissed like kids trying something new for the first time, and they had slept together more than she could count. And, most of all, he didn't know that the day she left him to travel through time, the last thing he had told her was that he loved her, and no matter how mad she was at him, he would wait for her.

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