Chapter Seventy

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Carmen wanted to scream her head off, she really did. But that was one thing she couldn't do because screaming would require a bit of stamina, and she clearly didn't have much to spare. She was barely able to stand and breathe on her own.

"What happened, sweetheart?" Simon continued, looking amused as hell. He returned in front of her, cocking his head to the side, hands sliding into the pockets of his pants. "Cat got your tongue?"

Internally, Carmen groaned, simply cursing her miserable luck, before letting her eyes fall shut and her fingers stroke her temple.

It was all still so confusing in her head, especially the night of the crash. She remembered being kidnapped for sure, but what she couldn't pinpoint were the people who came to her rescue.

Of course, Carmen was not as stupid or far gone for a case. She could tell Simon had a hand in this, and so did that woman from earlier. But what made absolutely no sense was why the two of them were in the same house. What the hell was their connection?

However, as if her thoughts had suddenly gained the power to summon them into reality, the same older woman from earlier arrived at the top of the staircase and sounded curt.

"Back off, Simon. Leave her alone."

Simon smirked, though he never took his eyes off Carmen. "Oh, come on, don't be such a spoiler, Diana. I haven't even touched her." He paused, letting his words sink in before quietly whispering so only Carmen could hear. "Yet, of course."

This time, Carmen couldn't help but frown and fix him with a glare. "What do you even want? Haven't you scarred me for a lifetime enough?"

"Scarred you for a lifetime?" He sounded surprised to hear that, before he laughed, and shook his head, finally stepping away. "Don't be so dramatic, darling. If it were to me I would have claimed you long ago, and you know that." He looked so smug while saying that, Carmen wished to wipe it off him.

"Then why didn't you?" Carmen snapped, not about to be pushed around. "Oh, right, I remember now. Because your knack for dramatics is just as strong, isn't it?"

His smirk widened. "You can pretend all you want, but you can't deny you didn't enjoy every moment of our little drama. That you didn't love the way I—"

"Simon," the woman from upstairs warned him again.

However, this time, he listened.

"Go back to your room, Carmen," he said to her before turning and leaving, but not without adding, "before I have to drag you there myself."

It was only once he was out of sight that Carmen realized how long she had been holding her breath. She noticed how turbulently her thighs were shaking and how nervously her heart pounded. She couldn't help but press her back against the door behind her and breathe heavily, as if suddenly all the energy was drained from her body, leaving her with a feeling of nausea in the pit of her stomach, threatening to rise and make her head spin.

Her body had barely slid down the door, as she had feared, when a pair of arms arrived and helped her up. "You shouldn't have left the bed, Carmen. Your body is still weak. This much exertion can't be good for you."

Carmen wanted to fight the hold of this woman, she wanted to scream. But she could barely stand and hold her ground, or her dignity for that matter. For this while, she allowed herself to be helped by the said woman and carried by one of the men she had called to take her upstairs.

She didn't have the energy right now, but she promised herself that once she did, she wouldn't waste another moment in this god-awful place. The moment she had a chance, she would leave without hesitation.

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