Chapter 117

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Willow was still trying to think of a plan to rid herself of the stubborn Dan, who lay on her bed like a persistent octopus when she heard a loud commotion downstairs. With her eyebrows raised, she shot Dan one last look before growling out a threat.

"Do. Not. Move."

He tilted his head towards her, his eyes closed as the corner of his lips tipped up. "Where else would I go?"

Willow didn't bother with a reply. Instead, she walked over to the door and opened it slightly. She could hear the commotion a little clearer now, but not enough to discern what was going on. She decided to throw caution to the wind and opened the door wide, opting to investigate what was happening downstairs. She walked out and crept down the hallway.

It didn't take her long to reach the stairs and witness the source of the commotion herself.

Her entire family had woken up and was now in the living room, arguing and bickering with the older woman who had no right to be there in the middle of the night.

"What's going on?" Willow asked, frowning, as she descended the stairs.

Her mom and dad were quick to turn and shake their heads.

"Go to your room, Willow. We have this under control," her mom spoke before returning her attention to Diana. "And this is ridiculous, Mrs. Price. We all respect you, we really do. But what's the point of making such a scene here?"

"Look, Jane. This is not the time to argue over my tone," Diana then turned to Willow. "We need to talk. Can we, please? I don't have the luxury of time here."

Willow watched more carefully this time. Diana looked different. She was sweaty and trembling as if something was bothering her so much that she couldn't even stand straight anymore. Willow knew something was up. She had never seen Diana like this before. Diana was always calm and composed. Something had to have happened to shatter her facade of calmness, and deep down, Willow knew it had something to do with her. Why else would Diana be there in the first place? She couldn't help but grow more curious.

"Alright," she said, and despite objections from her parents and Eric, she gestured for Diana to follow her. "We can talk in the study. Come on."

Diana followed immediately, but not before Jane Logan gave Willow an exasperated look. "Will you at least tell us what the hell is going on? Are you in some sort of trouble, Willow? You have to tell us if there's something to worry about. I swear, I won't be mad. None of us would."

Willow's heart squeezed as she flashed her family a small smile. "Don't worry about me. It's not what you think. I'll explain it to you later."

Her father looked hesitant. "The last time you hid something from your family, you almost died. I don't know what's going on in your life right now, but please be safe. If not for yourself, then do it for your mother's sake, alright? We lost you once. I don't think she'll survive it if anything happens to you again."

Willow felt her throat close up. "I'm sorry, Dad. But it won't take long. I promise."


The moment Willow and Diana entered the study and the door closed behind them, Diana grabbed Willow's arm and stared into her eyes with a panic-stricken gaze.

"I want that device, Willow. I want it right now."

"Woah!" Willow pulled her arm back, taken aback by the sudden harsh demand. "What's going on? Why are you so panicked? Is everything alright?"

"Just tell me where it is," Diana snapped, unable to contain herself. She seemed to be seething at the mouth. "I don't have time for this. Just give me the damn device, and I'll get out of your hair for good."

Willow recoiled a little bit but then crossed her arms and stared Diana down. "I can't," she walked back to the desk and leaned against it. "I don't have it."

It was true, wasn't it? When she woke up after traveling back to her timeline, the device was nowhere to be found. It was just gone. And with everything going on, she didn't even think about looking for it.

Diana froze, her eyes widening in more than just shock. "What do you mean you don't have it?"

Willow shrugged. "I mean just that."

"But you were the last one to use it. It's not even been 24 hours, right? How can you not have it? Are you messing with me? Because I'll let you know, it's not the time for that."

Willow swallowed hard at the look in Diana's eyes. She seemed serious enough to want the device. But it wasn't as if she was lying. She genuinely didn't have it. "I'm not lying. I don't have it. I swear. I tried looking in my room, but it's not there."

"Then look again!" Diana screamed. "Find it and give it to me!"

Willow didn't like the tone of the older woman, but she also couldn't ignore the fact that something had changed in the last few hours. The last time she met Diana at Carmen's place, she wasn't so paranoid and freaked out about the device.

"Look," she tried again, hoping the older woman would listen. "I promise I'll try to find it, and if I do, I'll give it to you right away, okay?"

But Diana didn't seem to be listening anymore. She just sat down on the couch in front of her and buried her face in her hands. Willow didn't know what she was supposed to do at that moment. Should she ask Diana what was going on? Was she even allowed to do that?

"What's wrong, Mrs Price? Something obviously happened, isn't it? You can tell me. What if I can help—"

"You can't help me," the woman raised her head and glared. "The only thing you can do right now is to find that fucking device and give it to me. I'm begging you."

"But I swear I've looked everywhere—"

"Then do it again. I don't fucking care how. Just get me the device. I don't have the time," tears glistened in her wrinkly eyes as she tried not to cry harder than she already was on the brink of. "They will kill them. Please..."

Willow gulped at the distress on the woman's face, her heart suddenly racing, fearing for the worst already. "Who will kill who?"

"My daughter," Diana finally broke down. "And your brother. They will kill them if I don't bring that damn device to them before the time runs out."

A/N: Race against time, here we come:')

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A/N: Race against time, here we come:')

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