Chapter Twenty

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As Ronin pushed open the door to the cafe, he was greeted by a sensory explosion

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As Ronin pushed open the door to the cafe, he was greeted by a sensory explosion. The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee tickled his nose, intermingling with the tantalizing scent of baked goods. The lively chatter of patrons filled his ears, accompanied by the clinking of cups and saucers and the whirring of the coffee machines.

After a few moments of scanning the bustling cafe, Ronin's keen eyes settled on the man he was there to meet. He spotted him nestled in a cozy corner near the window, engrossed in a book. As Ronin made his way towards him, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee was replaced with a hint of musty paper, emanating from the stacks of books lining the shelves.

Moving with purpose through the maze of tables and chairs, Ronin deftly navigated the sea of patrons. He quickly sidestepped a busy waitress carrying a tray of steaming drinks, her apron brushing against his arm as he passed. He then navigated around a group of friends engaged in lively conversation, the sound of their laughter and chatter filling his ears.

As Ronin arrived at their table, he was relieved to find that they were sitting away from the center of the cafe. Here, the noise and chatter were subdued, allowing for a more intimate conversation. The soft glow of sunlight streaming through the window bathed them in a warm, golden light, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

Despite the serene atmosphere of the cafe, Ronin was anything but calm on the inside. His thoughts and emotions swirled around like a tempestuous storm, threatening to overwhelm him. He gazed across the table at the man who sat opposite him, hoping he could help quell the brewing hurricane within.

With a lazy lift of his gaze, the man across from Ronin noticed his presence and set his book aside. His eyes met Ronin's, and without uttering a word, he leaned back in his chair and reached for the bag at his side. Ronin watched intently as the man rummaged through the bag and retrieved a folder, pushing it towards him across the table.

With a focused gaze, Ronin pulled the folder towards him and began to sift through its contents. His eyes scanned the pages, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. After a few moments, he looked up at the man across from him and asked, "What am I looking at here?"

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