Chapter Thirty Seven

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As Carmen walked into the cafe that morning, she was taken aback to find Mrs. Jane Logan, Ronin's mother, engaged in a hushed conversation with her own dad. Alarm bells immediately started ringing in Carmen's head, sensing that something was amiss. The loud chiming of the door's bells only added to her discomfort, causing Mrs. Logan and her dad to abruptly break apart and turn their attention towards her.

The surprise etched across Jane Logan's face, as well as her father's, didn't go unnoticed by Carmen. It only fueled her curiosity further, stirring up a mix of emotions within her. Over the years, Carmen had become all too familiar with secrets and mysteries, and she had grown weary of them, particularly after her unsettling encounter on the cruise. She wanted to partake in no more lies and deception. She craved the raw truth, no matter how painful it might be.

"Carmen," Jane Logan quickly transformed her surprise into a tone of adoration. "It's so good to see you. Come on, join us. Your father and I were just talking about you."

Carmen's guard remained up as she approached the table, her eyes shifting between her father and Mrs. Logan. She couldn't help but feel skeptical about their sudden shift in conversation. But instead of voicing her thoughts out loud, she chose to smile.

She couldn't even say that seeing Ronin's mom after months hadn't been a good surprise. Jane Logan had always been kind to Carmen. She and her husband never treated her any lesser than their own daughter. It was only Ronin who had a problem with her. Jane and her husband had always welcomed Carmen with open arms, offering warm smiles and comforting hugs.

As Carmen approached the table where Jane and her dad sat, Jane was quick to rise and open her arms, inviting Carmen into a warm embrace. Carmen gladly returned the hug, feeling a sense of familiarity and love. "It's good to see you, too, Mrs. Logan."

"Oh, please, don't call me that," Jane playfully protested, her face glowing with a lovely smile. "You make me feel fifty years older."

But she was...

Carmen chuckled, but her mind couldn't help but wander to the reason behind their presence. Before she could voice her confusion, Jane swiftly changed the subject with a mischievous grin. "Edgar called last night and asked us to be here by morning. Do you have any idea what it might be about?"

Caught off guard, Carmen shook her head. "How... how would I know that?"

Jane didn't even feign surprise and exchanged a knowing glance with Carmen's dad. "I guess we'll have to find out ourselves. Regardless, we just landed a few hours ago and had some time before whatever Edgar has planned. So, I thought, why not spend it catching up? It's been a while since I saw you, and you know how much I adore you, Carmen. You're like my own daughter."

Carmen's mind buzzed with questions, but she didn't know where to begin. Although there was one thing about what Jane said she couldn't shake it off. "We?"

Jane's eyes were quick to sparkle. "Of course. Everyone is here." She then paused before adding. "Yeah, even Ronin. Since Edgar came back from Berlin, they've been inseparable. Edgar's keeping a close eye on him this time. I can't even imagine what he's so afraid of." She chuckled, as if sharing some private joke. But Carmen was too engrossed in her own thoughts to pay much attention.

Although her heart skipped a beat at the mention of Ronin's name alright. It had been a whole month since she had last seen or spoken to him, and now he was here, in the same place as her. A whirlwind of emotions swept over her—confusion, curiosity, and an indescribable feeling she couldn't quite pinpoint.

If what Jane was saying was true, did that mean Ronin was in Asheville too? Was he there at the restaurant when Edgar visited her yesterday? Carmen racked her brain, desperately trying to recall any signs of Ronin's presence. But there was nothing, no memory of seeing him there.

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