Chapter Thirty-Five

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Carmen pushed her food around on her plate, her appetite vanishing into thin air as she sat across from Ronin's grandfather

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Carmen pushed her food around on her plate, her appetite vanishing into thin air as she sat across from Ronin's grandfather. It was hard for her to forget that he was the same man who had once pleaded with her to walk down the aisle, all in the name of preserving his family's reputation.

What a huge disaster it had been!

Back then, Carmen had been naive enough to fall for their manipulation, allowing herself to be burdened with guilt even though she had done nothing wrong. But that was the consequence of her vulnerability, of wearing her heart on her sleeve.

Now, she was wiser and stronger than before. Or at least, that's what she told herself. She knew better than to be swayed by kindness that only led her deeper into trouble.

She might not be aware of this man's intention of being in her town, but she wasn't about to convince herself with false hopes that he wasn't here for what was apparently so obvious to her. She was going to assume the worst, and the worst was enough to put her more and more on edge every passing second.

The upscale restaurant oozed an air of elegance and refinement. Soft jazz melodies wafted through the air, blending with the symphony of clinking silverware and gentle conversations stemming from the surrounding tables.

Edgar Logan, now nearing the twilight of his life, had meticulously chosen a rooftop location that provided a breathtaking view of the town's most prestigious streets. The panoramic view showcased a tapestry of shimmering city lights and bustling activity below. The flickering glow of street lamps painted a golden aura upon the bustling thoroughfares.

Despite the passage of time, there was a timeless charisma about Edgar. His distinguished presence commanded attention, with a subtle strength that had stood the test of time. His voice, once gruff and commanding, had softened over the years, carrying a touch of wisdom and gentleness in its timbre.

Deep lines and wrinkles traced the contours of a life well-lived, each crease telling a story of conquests and hardships endured. Crow's feet danced at the corners of his eyes, evidence of countless smiles and moments of joy etched into his memory. His posture had also relaxed, his shoulders slightly slouched, and on occasion, she noticed a slight tremor in his hands. Yet, he seemed in peace by these changes, as if he had embraced and accepted them as part of his journey.

Before hopping into the car with Edgar, Carmen made sure to give her dad a heads-up about the latest developments. He wasn't exactly thrilled and insisted on tagging along. The concern in his voice didn't go unnoticed, and surprisingly, it tugged at her heartstrings.

But Carmen knew she had to start taking charge of her own life. Lessons from the past had taught her not to rely on others when it came to tough situations. She had to forge her own path and stay true to herself because, at the end of the day, her happiness was her own responsibility and no one else.

"It's been a long time I have been to Ashville," Edgar spoke, as he wiped his mouth with the napkin and put it back on the table.

Carmen was glad for the conversation, the silence had started to make her nervous. "You did?"

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