Chapter Forty-Two

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For the next hour, Carmen could do nothing but toss and turn on the bed.

Restless. Anxious. Frustrated.

Groaning into the pillow for the fifteenth time perhaps, she finally convinced herself to drag out of the bed and stomp over to the window.

There. He was still there. Waiting.

How much longer did he plan to keep this up? Didn't he care about his old age? Was it really necessary to make her feel guilty for no reason at all? Did he secretly enjoy seeing her miserable?

The latter one was probably true. Carmen had no doubt about it.

But enough was enough. She had to go and find out what was this all about. Why was he being so stubborn? What the hell could have been so important?

So many questions. Carmen had a lot of them. And now that sleep had officially abandoned her, she might as well find their answers.

With that thought in mind, She quietly returned to her bed, grabbed a sweater, and slipped out of the house, making sure to lock it securely behind her. Safety was a big deal to her dad, and she was raised to be cautious at all times.

Of course, that didn't prevent her from getting into trouble now and then. In fact, she was attracted to trouble more often than she liked to admit.

Just like right now.

She knew Logans were trouble since the very first day she met them. It was just a feeling then—a gut instinct if you will—but after spending almost a year knowing them, she had come to admit that the Logan family basically thrived on chaos.

And yet. Yet, she was walking straight into their trap.

Why was she doing this to herself? Why couldn't she just...break away?

The answer shouldn't have been that simple and straightforward. And she hated herself for it.

The reason she couldn't turn her back on them was surprisingly simple: they had all been incredibly kind to her, especially Grandpa. Despite his occasional difficult behavior, Carmen recognized that he was genuinely good-hearted, caring, and always had the best interests of the family at heart. Though he might have had a ruthless past in business, now he was nothing but a soft and lovable goofball, doing his best to hold the family together. That love and care were what kept her tied to them, even when she knew she should distance herself.

Carmen didn't agree with his methods. She could never. And maybe he still had a lot to learn about boundaries and other things. But how could you be rude to someone who had only been nice to you? Who actually made you feel you weren't alone and that there were people you could always depend upon?

It was a complicated situation, as one could tell, where her emotions clashed with her better judgment. Not the first time for sure. And probably not the last.

Under the chilly night breeze, Carmen's hair danced with each step as she hurried towards the parked car across the road. The cool air sent a shiver down her shoulders and spine, making her feel slightly uneasy. She quickened her pace, goosebumps sprouting against her flesh. Once she reached the car, she bent down and gently knocked on the backseat window, hugging herself tightly to fight off the cold.

As the tinted window rolled down, Grandpa Edgar's cheesy grin greeted her. "Thank goodness you're here. I was getting so bored," he chuckled.

Carmen scowled, so not in the mood for his lame humor. "I'm seriously mad at you."

She was. So damn mad. Why couldn't he just leave her be?

Grandpa Edgar couldn't help but laugh, being his playful self, and then he was all polite and opened the car door for her, like, inviting her to get in. "Well, in that case, allow me to cool you off a little, shall we?"

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