Chapter Sixty-Five

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During the entire ride to the office, Carmen couldn't suppress the butterflies bouncing around in her stomach.

She tried but failed. She tried again and failed again.

But instead of getting frustrated or growing agitated, like she usually would when something didn't work out despite all her efforts, she realized it was the kind of game she didn't mind losing. Her heart was at peace for some reason, as if his promise to court her after the storm around them settled down was evidence of his genuine intentions toward her. It was as if this phase was a test, and if he passed, she shouldn't mind giving him a chance. After all, Ronin wasn't known for his patience. No, not at all.

Ronin had always been the impulsive one, while his brother was the one who could easily be called a saint. No one had ever seen the big Logan brother burst out ever. But Ronin? Ronin couldn't keep his anger at bay even if he tried. He was like a big grumpy kid who liked to boss around just because he could.

The car rolled up in front of the office building, and Carmen forced herself to focus on the matter at hand. She grabbed her bag and stepped out, glancing up at the glass building before taking a deep breath.

Today was the day she had the most hopes for. Yesterday, Ronin and Grandpa had set another plan in motion, and now she was there to see how it turned out. She knew what Ronin meant when he cautioned her that this act from them could very easily result in a violent reaction, but after getting so deeply involved in this situation, Carmen knew it needed to be done.

If a little cheating from their end had the chance of bringing those people out of hiding, she didn't see anything wrong with that. Besides, if this were a game, it hadn't been fair since the very beginning, so why should they change the rules now? Sure, she had always been the one to play by the rules, but the events of the past few months had taught her that sometimes, in order to achieve justice or protect what you cared about, you had to bend those rules a bit. And that's exactly what they had done. The stage had been set; all she needed to do now was walk in with her head held high.

Heels clicked as Carmen entered the building. She slipped into the elevator as if it were an everyday thing, not letting anyone know how loudly her heart was pounding against her chest, or how the knots in her stomach continued to pulse with apprehension.

When she reached her desired floor, however, the man she hoped to find pacing outside of her office was not a damn Logan.

Eric Logan, at that.

For a brief second, Carmen paused and took in the sight.

The older brother of Ronin looked restless as he paced in the small space outside her office door. Her assistant's desk was empty, meaning either Amy had taken an unexpected day off or she was busy spreading gossip around the office. Not that she was of any importance right now. And truth be told, Carmen couldn't be bothered, not when Eric looked like he was ready to punch a hole in the office door.

However, Carmen had no other choice but to school her expression back to normal. If this was how the situation was going to play out, so be it. It was not the time to react. It was time to act.

She took another deep breath before walking towards him.

"Is everything okay?" She asked the restless man as she came to a stop a brief distance away from him, her hands in front of her, holding the laptop bag, waiting for him to explain his reasons for hovering by her office door so early in the morning.

Eric stopped, turned, and frowned. "Carmen!" His frown deepened. "Gosh, I have been waiting for you."

Carmen tried to play it cool, maybe a little clueless. She scratched the back of her earlobe. "Okay," she said, slowly. "Why?"

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