Chapter 120

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Jasper looked like he was ready for a war.

His brows were furrowed, his lips were thinned and his eyes were sleepy, even though he was nursing a hot mug of coffee.

Willow and Dan sat in the living room, across from Jasper himself. Next to him sat his beautiful yet equally furrowed wife, although she looked partly worried if that made the whole situation any better.

"So," Jasper started, letting out a deep breath. "You came here, at this hour," he checked the time on the wall as if his expression hadn't already given away his much-felt annoyance. "...because Ronin and Carmen's life is in danger."

As if on cue, Molly grabbed her phone for the hundredth time since they shared the reason for their arrival and dialled for Carmen. Probably. She shook her head when no one answered. "No one's answering. Jasper I'm starting to get worried now. Maybe it's not a prank like you think."

"You think we are playing a prank?" Willow blurted out, not able to believe the two of them would translate their concern into some sick joke. A joke they were definitely not playing. She glared at Jasper. "What the hell is wrong with you, Jasper? When have I ever pranked you? And why will I now?"

"Well, you haven't but Ronin has," that was Jasper's quick response, and there was no guilt in his statement. "And you are his sister. I thought you were in it."

"And what about me?" Dan asked, arching a brow, something that made Jasper really uncomfortable.

"Well, you obviously work for him. Do I even have to spell it out?"

Dan tried his best to control the urge to smack Jasper over the head, but it was getting really difficult. He understood the man had just been woken up in the middle of the night by the two people he would have never expected to show up at any odd hour of the day, but he also expected that he would at least listen to them properly before jumping to conclusions.

Willow leaned forward and folded her arms on the table, her glare intensifying. "This is not a prank, and guys we really need your help."

"How can we help when we don't even know what danger they are in?" Molly asked, looking genuinely worried. She turned to Jasper. "We need to do something, babe. They wouldn't lie about it."

Jasper sighed, running his fingers through his hair and taking another sip of his coffee. "When was the last time you heard from Ronin?"

"At the party, just like you guys."

Molly bit her lip, chewing on it nervously. "Maybe we should call the police?"

Willow shook her head, remembering how useless cops had always been at handling situations like these. Besides, Diana warned her to not include any law enforcement. She took a deep breath and exhaled.

"No. Not police. I know it sounds odd but we can handle this. I just..." she shared a glance with Dan, who only encouraged her with a nod. She nodded back and shifted to the edge of her seat. She looked back at the couple. "Can I...can I talk to Alice?"

The name of Alice was enough to make Jasper and Molly share a worried glance. It was as if they could read each other's minds, and Willow knew for a fact that it was probably true. She was sure they had a lot of practice.

"I don't understand," Molly shook her head. "How does she fit in all of this?"

Willow chewed on her inner cheek and sighed. Man, this was the reason she didn't want to involve these people directly. She would have done far better without so many questions and doubts hurled at her. It didn't help that they were running out of time. "Look, I can't explain it to you, but she's the only one who can help us now."

Jasper narrowed his eyes. "Why do you think so?"

Willow opened her mouth to say something, but Dan cut her off. "Because we think she has the device called TAD. Time altering Device. It's important that we take that device from your daughter and give it to those people who are currently holding Ronin and Carmen hostage."

There was a moment of silence. Everyone in the room froze. Willow's eyes widened in shock. She whipped her head around to stare at Dan with her mouth hanging open.

Did he just....?

What the actual fuck? Had he gone insane? Did he have to tell them everything?

Dan ignored her shocked expression, keeping his eyes trained on Jasper and Molly, waiting for their response. He knew Willow wanted to keep this secret between the three of them, but according to his experience, sometimes being honest was the best way to go. He hoped she would agree with him. Someday.

Jasper looked confused. He blinked twice, narrowing his eyes at Dan. "Time altering device?"

Dan nodded. "Yes."

"You time travelling?"


Jasper chuckled, shaking his head. "Are you serious right now?"

Dan crossed his arms over his chest, giving him a deadpan look. "Do I look like I'm joking to you?"

Willow had nothing to say. This whole thing had gone to shit and nobody was getting anything after Dan spilled it out. She wished she could go back in time and smack the detective on his head and warn him to not do something stupid. But the damage was already done.

Molly looked around, visibly confused. She turned her gaze to Willow. "Is that true?"

"Oh, come on, Molly. Please tell me you don't believe them."

But Molly continued to stare at Willow, silently asking her to tell her the truth. She didn't look at them with contempt or disgust, just confusion. Willow took a deep breath and exhaled. There was no point in lying anymore.

"Yes. It's true. And I wish I could fill you in on everything, but we don't have time. Just know that the device is dangerous, and it's the reason why Ronin and Carmen are in danger right now. You need to let me talk to Alice. Please."

Willow had never begged someone for something in her life, but this was an exception. She couldn't care less about what Jasper and Molly thought about her at the moment. She needed their cooperation, and she was willing to do whatever it took to get it.

"Molly," Jasper tried to reach for his wife's hand, but she pulled away. "Come on, this is a joke. I'm sure Ronin and Carmen are out there and having a good laugh. You have no idea the kind of stupid and immature things Ronin has pulled before. I mean, remember when he-"

"Jasper!" Molly raised her voice, giving him a sharp look. She shook her head and stood up, looking at Willow. "If it turned out to be some stupid prank, I swear I'm gonna kick Ronin's ass. But just in case, this is actually true and they actually need our help, I'm ready to listen. It would be a very small price to pay if it meant saving their lives."

Willow smiled gratefully. "Thank you so much. I promise it won't take long. Just a few minutes and we will leave."

Molly nodded. "I'll go wake her up."

A/N: OKay, so the book is already COMPLETE on GOODNOVEL & RADISH and my PATREON :) If you wish to read the remaining chapters, I'll be happy if you checked it out in any of the apps :P Thank you for being here

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A/N: OKay, so the book is already COMPLETE on GOODNOVEL & RADISH and my PATREON :) If you wish to read the remaining chapters, I'll be happy if you checked it out in any of the apps :P Thank you for being here. I really appreciate it :)

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