Vol 1. Chapter 6: Achieving Objectives

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[Kurushima Pov]

[3rd April]

The school began as usual. The lessons started, and while I was looking at my phone, it coincidentally flipped out of my hand.

Everyone looked at the depicted Private Points in complete shock.

Damn, they saw my Points.

What do I do?


I can do nothing.


The only thing I can do is explain everything.

That's easy to say.

I should try my hardest to convince them.

"K-Kurushima-kun, your Points..." Sato-san looked at me in shock.

"...are so low..." She continued, expressing my biggest worry to everyone out or not.

[Private Points: 16.320]

It's just as I expected. 

Of course, the reason I didn't have these Private Points currently, is because they weren't transferred to me, yet. Just like when you transfer from your Bank Account a certain amount of Money to someone else, it'll also take a couple of days until that Money arrives.

While in Banks you cannot specify really when you want the Money to arrive at the opposite party, this school however has this option. I could just now transfer to Ayanokoji per example, in five minutes, 2,000 Private Points, or in Ten Seconds, if I wanted it.

After all, unlike Banks, where it's connected through the entire country and international, this Point System has up to 600 People who can use it, primarily consisting out of students, also however, the Teachers and Staff Members are also able to use it. 

There's no fee for that fast transfer or anything else, in comparison like reality, where Banks want such a Fee. Because of that, it's also easy to fool others, and creating a Facade, of one being careless and struggling with Money.

Although I admit, I certainly have trouble spending Money, I don't have that amount of problem. 50,000 Yen, perhaps 60,000 Yen, but that'd be the limit. Showing however other's that even someone who is 'Perfect' has struggles, sympathy can easily be gained.

Of course, I'm everything else than perfect, I'm rather imperfect, however, they can't know that, because while I might be ready to reveal a couple of things of me, I'd never even think of trying on revealing my Past, to gain advantage, somehow.

For them, I'm Top-Scorer Kurushima Kaoru, both intelligent, academically perfect, athletic, popular, good-looking, and blessed with a rich heritage. People are bound to get jealous, because nobody likes someone who doesn't had at least a personal struggle in life, yet. 

Money Managing Problems show that you're at least irresponsible in that regard. Besides, I rather create now the thing of being "poor", so that no one ever thinks of having to check my Private Points, in case the Class might be in a situation, where they're needed. 

I can just excuse myself, saying I don't have them, and they'd probably believe me. I'm already in Class something like second-in-command, even though I did not do anything in particular, so becoming the Leader itself should be pretty easy. 

For that, some things still have to be solved, though.  

Matsushita, one of the girls, was the first one to speak up, after Sato. "Kurushima-kun, you have less than 20.000 Points."

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