Vol 3. Chapter 12: The End of The Sports Festival [Part 4/4]

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[6th October] 

[Third Person Pov]

"Kurushima-kun, you were really great! You're definitely on the level of a Top-Athlete." Hirata said, complementing him.

"I wouldn't go that far, Hirata... haha..." Kurushima, painfully laughed it off.

"Anyway, where is Horikita-san? I don't see her at all." 

"She's searching for Sudo-kun, I believe." Hirata replied.

"Ah, I see. So he's still not back, huh? We certainly need him, if we want to win. But we should think of getting substitutes for him, if he doesn't participate."

"You're right..." Hirata said, looking depressed on the ground.

"I already participate in every Recommended Only Competition, so I can't be his substitute. As for you, Hirata, the only competition you could participate in his stead is the Scavenger Hunt." 

He gave a small nod. "Yes, that's true. If those two can't participate, it'll mean that we have to cover the Recommended Only Competitions in which they're participating."

Kurushima nods. "I'll also go helping with the search for Sudo."

Hirata seemed to think a bit, but ultimately he shook his head. 

"Kurushima-kun, how about you trust Horikita-san a bit? You should rather let the nurse see your injuries and then eat lunch. We only have fifty Minutes, and you'll be our last Trump card if Sudo doesn't appear. Sending you into the competitions exhausted, is a terrible idea."

"The nurse, huh? I guess, I should let myself at least get bandaged a bit."

"Please do that. I speak for everyone; if I say that, you shouldn't overexert yourself. Your health has priority." 

People in the class agreed with Hirata, and he relentlessly agreed to his proposal.

"Okay, I'll do so."

While walking to the infirmary, he saw Horikita midway along his way, looking frustrated and clenching her hands. 

"Is something wrong, Horikita-san?"

"No, it's nothing. Do you perhaps know where Sudo could be, Kurushima-kun?"

"Hm, I think either in the dorms or in the Sports Hall. I know that he calms himself down, by playing basketball, so he might be there."

She gave a small nod. "Thank you, Kurushima-kun. Also, where are you heading?"

"To the infirmary. I have to treat my injuries."


"I guess, you weren't there, when I showed them."

He lifted his shirt up, showing the stains and bruises he had. 

She was startled for a second, until she realized he was showing it to her.

"So many bruises and stains..." Ironically, she had the same reply as Yukimura.

"It's nothing much, but Hirata and the other's insisted that I should visit the infirmary for the treatment of my injuries."

He felt a slight uncomfortable feeling in his right ribs, and held his right hand against it. "Is everything, okay, Kurushima-kun?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm just a bit exhausted from the prior race."

She nods. "I'll be searching Sudo, then. Good luck for the later competitions, Kurushima-kun."

"Thank you. And I wish you good luck with your search for Sudo."

Both of them moved in opposite directions. Kurushima towards the infirmary, Horikita towards the Gym Hall, then afterward, to the Dorms.

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