Vol 3. Chapter 9: The Beginning of The Sports Festival [Part 1/4]

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[6th October, 7.32]

[Ayanokoji Pov]

Today was the beginning of the Sports Festival. It was certainly a very important day. Depending on which Class wins, it'd mean an increase or decrease in one's Class Points.

In case of our situation, our chances of winning weren't quite low. We had Sudo, a very athletically capable student, and Hirata, who himself was also very athletically, given the fact he's part of the Sports Club. 

As for the last person, it was our leader, Kurushima Kaoru. I've observed him in the past couple of weeks quite a lot. He was quite an athletically gifted student. Very gifted, actually. 

In terms of speed, stamina and agility, he far surpassed Sudo. As for his grip strength, it was just a couple of kilos lower than Sudo. However, unlike Sudo, he doesn't seem to play basketball. 

Basketball players tend to have a higher grip strength, as they have to practice holding the ball in one hand through their grip strength. For rebounds, dribbling and dunks, grip strength was also very important.

So there again, it was quite a surprise. 

He and Sudo are our class' Trump Cards, so utilizing these two well for the competitions was very important.

The only question was, could he still beat Ryūen and Sakayanagi in this situation, when the list of participants was already revealed? Then there's also the unknown factor of whether Sakayanagi is working together with Ryūen or not.

The losses at the Island Exam and Zodiac Exam almost completely reduced the Katsuragi Fraction, so Sakayanagi now had control over the class.

Kushida, our class traitor, might have revealed them to Ryūen. She was the only one to take pictures of our competition's list. 

If Kurushima had not realized yet if there was a traitor, he would realize it midway through the Sports Festival, for sure.

There seemed to be certainly quite a lot of problems facing us. I wonder... how the result of the Sports Festival will be like... 

"Everyone, can you come here?" Hirata said, next to him sitting Kurushima on a chair, drinking water.

The class gathered around them. Instead of Hirata, Kurushima spoke. "We all know how important this Sports Festival is, but please don't overexert yourself. If you feel like you can't participate in the next competition anymore, please say so immediately. However, that being said, let us all do our best and win this thing, Class A."

Seeing that the class got motivated, it seemed like quite an effective speech from Kurushima.
After the speech, everyone relentlessly returned. Everyone was preparing for the beginning of the first 100-meter dash, including myself. I was stretching myself a bit currently.


[Kurushima Pov]

After a bit of time has passed, the first group of the first-year boys will now run the 100-meter dash.  

Sudo and Sotomoto, one of the weaker athletic students in our class, were the first ones to participate. 

As for me, I was part of the third group. It was to reinforce that impact that Sudo had left on them in the beginning, by making me have an even stronger impact on them, so we could make the following students stumble, so our weaker students could place higher.

I was our fastest runner, with Sudo coming in second and Hirata being third.

In the second group, Koenji was supposed to take part, but he didn't seem to have the intention to appear. 

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