Vol. 2 Chapter 8: Cruise Ship - New Exam

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A/N: If you did not vote for the previous chapters, please do so, since it'd mean greatly much for me. 

Comments are also always appreciated. Please share your thoughts with me about this story, about Kurushima, or in general. 

Anyhow, that's all. There you go with the Chapter.


[Ayanokoji Pov]

[7th August, 22.14]

Today evening was quite bothersome. I explained to Horikita what I had done during the exam, on the condition that she would keep quiet about it. However, some surprising things happened during the exam that I never expected. For example, the small piece of paper that was a warning to Ryūen about me.

I wonder if someone has seen through me, or if there is someone who knows about the White Room in the school. It's possible, but I can't simply assume that based on this single phrase.

How bothersome.

Then there is also the matter with Chabashira-sensei. I can't imagine that man contacting her, but for now, I'll play along.

After we have achieved our dream of advancing to Class A, I might decide to destroy it by transferring to another class.

I might do this sooner than I anticipated.

Anyways, there's just one other thing bothering me: my behavior during the start of the special exam. Even though I was blackmailed by Chabashira-sensei, I was sure that we would win even without my interference.

There was a certain curiosity that piqued my interest again. I wanted to see how far Kurushima's abilities could reach, to test and evaluate him.

That might also be why I never told him about the vital mistake Class A made at that time. I only mentioned that the spot was occupied by Class A. I never mentioned how long the spot occupation was once I saw Yahiko and Katsuragi in front of the cave.

Regardless, his analytical skills have impressed me. 

Despite the hindrance I placed on him, he was able to deduce with only the extra information about the spots nearby I provided on day three five people who are the likeliest to be the leader.

Yahiko was also included in that list. If he had my extra information, he should have come to the same conclusion that Yahiko was the leader. That's one thing I can be somehow sure of.


Ironically, our class prevented Kurushima from exploring the area almost every time due to the disputes.

He only went out six times: the first and second times in search of food, the third time alone in search of food for one hour before returning, fourth and fifth one with me and Horikita to Class C's and D's camp, and the sixth time when he searched for Ibuki.

How ironic that Class B's biggest asset was so restricted, yet he was able to analyze the situation so flawlessly, with only an alteration of five percent at most.

He even spared me the trouble of analyzing the situation myself. I only needed to take the context of the additional information in my analysis, which I didn't tell him.

Regarding Class D's sudden appearances nearby Class C's camp, which I heard from Kanzaki, it could naturally be fake information. However, looking at it now, there is no doubt that it's the truth.

Then there's also this piece of paper that I showed no one in the exam. If Kurushima had this information, he would have also figured out the anagram of Ryūen.

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