Vol 3. Chapter 14: Deal With Nagumo

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[7th October]

[Kurushima Pov]

Today, Nagumo-senpai and I decided to meet up. 

Of course, the reason for doing so, was the upcoming elections for the Student Council President. Since I only verbally confirmed of not participating, he had no insurance that I wouldn't. 

Also, he was the one who suggested meeting up. I'm sure he has something prepared, like a contract, which in return will be verified by the school, so that both parties keep their consensual agreement, or something else... perhaps?

One of the reasons he has to become the Student Council President is to widen his influence and solidify his control over the Year. Without it, he certainly will have quite a bit of trouble, since he doesn't have control over the juridical system at the school. 

I'm well-liked by the Third Years, in particular from Classes 3-A, 3-C, and even 3-D, quite ironically. 

However, I don't believe I could convince the latter two classes to vote for me. But something else could—a decent amount of money, if I were interested. They're graduating and need money; I have more than I can count, even if I only have access to a minimal amount of it.

Perhaps, one or two classes of the Second Year might select me too, since it'd mean the loss of Nagumo's control. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised, if it didn't happen. If he were to win regardless, it meant, that they antagonized him and might get expelled, soon afterward.

Given that Manabu-senpai said he was responsible for nine people at least getting expelled, of the seventeen that dropped off the second year, it isn't strange that they'd fear him of expelling them. 

I know, however, that Class 2-B has, in fact, quite the antagonized position towards him, and besides, there's Ikuto-senpai, who also doesn't really 'submit' to his rule, really. With them, too, I do have a solid chance of winning the elections of the Student Council President. 

As for my year, I have my class as my support, perhaps people from Ichinose's class, too, as they're quite good-willed, and I could get, if I really tried, Ryūen's class for my support, too.
Although, to get his support, I'd have to ensure Ryūen that I'd switch into his class, so it'd greatly benefit him.

The Third Year, had originally only nine people who were expelled, but with my interference, it's four more, so 13 Students. 

Ironically, these two years combined have an amount of 30 Students expelled or voluntarily dropped out, and since our Year has no one expelled so far, the amount of students attending this school is 450. 

If we two compete against each other in the general election, the results would be certainly very close. That's one thing I could immediately tell, if I had the intention of becoming president. 

Normally, the President himself could also decide who becomes the next President and who doesn't, but Manabu-senpai made the decision of the general election, like his predecessor's before did too, until now. 

The students should decide whom they want as the next Student Council President, after hearing our pleas. 

It's something that suits his collective ideology, and that of the President's before, who did the same, teaching them this ideology. 

Unfortunately for him, I plan to leave soon, so I don't really intend to participate. 

"Kurushima, you're here. Sooner than expected. How are your two broken ribs?" He asked, putting his phone on the table. 

"They're fine. But it seems like words have spread pretty fast, Senpai."

"Why wouldn't it? You're quite the famous person, among the school. Of course, there's no reason for it not to spread."

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