Vol. 4. Chapter 9: A Disastrous Breeze

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[30th November, 8.31]

[Third Person Pov]

As Chabashira Sae entered the classroom, with an expression of slight disbelief on her face, she spoke up.

Normally, you'd be able to know your results, from the points you get for the oncoming month, but the results were announced one day before the 1st of December, so the students were unaware of the results.

"As you all might have been curious about since long, I'll now announce the results of the Paper Shuffle."

Saying that, she put the poster in front of the backboard, with the results between Class A and B, their classes.

"A... tie...?!" A student in the front shouted, in palpable shock.

As surprising as this might sound, a tie was something that did happen, sometimes. Although, the disbelief they felt was something they could not express in simple words.

"This case does not usually happen very often, but it's also indeed, possible. Class C and D, they also had a tie, almost. There's just a difference of 2 small points between these two classes."

"An unfortunate event for Class D, but with this said, the class rankings have now, changed, once again, completely."

Horikita Suzune, who suggested Kurushima of having her deal with the traitor, could not help but look on the ground, again.

The questions... if she had asked Kurushima for more of his one's, everything might have went differently, in the end.

Even Kurushima, the boy in front, who was in fact manipulating the events, once again, could not help but feel slightly shocked upon seeing the poster at the backboard.

The white haired boy who was secretly orchestrating everything so far, thought this would go with Ryūen's victory, like he hoped, as he priorly notified him almost a month in advance, regarding Horikita's strategy, with the E-Mail message from his other Mail, and wrote, [Kushida Kikyo will lose].

It did not, surprisingly, but perhaps, it was his mistake, this time.

Because of Matsushita Chiaki... whom he told, she should score higher. Of course, in one part, it was to avoid potential suspicion, since no one rational would deny it, in the end.

For him, this Exam, it was the first thing he did not anticipate, since he arrived at this school.

But he's an essential reason for this, too, since his girlfriend, the best student academically-wise in Ryūen's class, became more openly and talkative with the class, ever since she met him.

She helped many of her classmates, likewise with Kaneda, and many other's.

'Fate can be quite ironic sometimes, it seems.' Kurushima thought, amused, as the results were no matter how you look at it, due to him like this.

At the moment Kurushima arrived at this school, he manipulated his class, all along, in secret.

At Day 3, it was the day he decided on making his first move, with letting his phone 'accidentally' fall down, confirming whether Hirata would protect him, and what Kushida would do, while immediately negating the negative opinions many of the boys held for him, turning them into positive opinions, in a matter of minutes.

He fulfilled various kinds of objectives, so it was successful.

When Sudo failed the Midterm Exams, he suggested, knowing that his class was not academically well gifted, of creating a class bank, because like the case with Sudo, they might be the next, too.

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