Vol 3. Chapter 3: A Good Opportunity

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[Third-Person Pov]

[16th August, After the End of Class]

After the PE lessons ended, Kurushima began to head towards the Student Council's Room.
As a new member, he couldn't afford to miss for a day, as long as there wasn't a reasonable reason for doing so, such as upcoming exams or being ill.

He was neither sick, nor had any upcoming exams within the week, so he couldn't excuse himself, even if it was his intention. Luckily, he showered in the Sport Hall, so he wasn't full of sweat anymore.

He intended to appear, to further strengthen his relationship with both Nagumo and Manabu, to become more influential.

But... being influential, wasn't quite as needed as he thought anymore. 

He already had his hands on the four poisons on the island, and he also knew with which component he had to mix them, so one of his plans to get Chairman Sakayanagi to talk has drastically increased.

It's a common tactic, but threatening your loved ones, has always proven itself to be a successful strategy for most people. 

The moment he heard of Chairman Sakayanagi's name in his father's notebook, as one of the perhaps responsible people for his family's death, he was prepared to use this method. 

He didn't like this method in particular; however, if his other methods prove to be useless for getting information about him, he has to use this one. 

"Don't make me use this," he murmured. 

Kurushima was mentally shaken by what he might have to do in the future. And he didn't like the direction he was heading to. But, if this happened to be the only way, so be it. 

Moments later, Kurushima entered the Student Council's Room.  

"Welcome, Kurushima-kun." 

Tachibana, Manabu Horikita's secretary, greeted him. 

"Good Morning, Tachibana-senpai. It's been three weeks, since we've last seen each other. How have you been during that time?"

"Relatively good. Here at the school, there didn't happen much, unlike in the first year. Anyway, congratulations on the advancement of your class. You're now in Class A, which also means you have to act accordingly."

By acting accordingly, she meant to prevent other classes to take their new spot as Class A. A relatively obvious message.

"I know."

"Good luck," she said.


Kurushima immediately opened the door, entering the room of the Student Council President. There, he saw, both Manabu and Nagumo.

Without hesitation, he greeted them. 

"Hello, Manabu-senpai, Nagumo-senpai. We haven't seen each other for a while. How are you two?"


Horikita Manabu's reply was short, his stare stern, and his expression looked as if he were satisfied.

Immediately, Nagumo answered too. 

Whether it was due to the respect he had for Manabu to let him speak first or whether it was simply common courtesy, Kurushima couldn't tell.

"I'm also feeling quite good, I must say, Kurushima. I didn't expect this to happen, in all honesty. Within these two exams, your class—No, you were able to promote your class to Class A. You're quite a capable person. But that is to be expected of the heir of one of Japan's largest conglomerates, after all."

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