Vol 1. Chapter 12: S-System

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[29th April]

[Kurushima Pov]

"Good Morning Class D, it's the end of the month, so we're going to have a short test. Please pass these to the back." Chabashira-sensei said.

She handed out the papers to the students in the front row. Eventually, the single-sheet test reached my desk. It contained questions in the five main subjects. With only a few questions per subject, it really was short.

"This test is just for future reference. It won't be reflected in your report cards. There is no risk involved, so don't worry. Of course, cheating is prohibited."

As soon as the pop quiz began, I scanned the questions. There were four questions per subject, for a total of twenty. Each question was worth five points, for a total of one hundred points. Every question appeared to be easy, but, the final three questions were an order of magnitude higher in terms of difficulty. The final math problem couldn't be solved without complex formulae.

Within five minutes, I finished the test and gave it to Chabashira-sensei, who looked at me in shock as she was taken aback by my speed of finishing the test.

I also saw everyone else looking at me and simply smiled, wishing them good luck.

Later that day I was questioned, however, I gave each of them an charismatic response, that the test wasn't so hard for me.


[1st May]

As expected, I was right all along with my theory. Well, I never doubted it to even one extent though. After all, that's just how much confidence I have in my abilities.

Upon my arrival in front of the classroom, I heard many of my classmates discussing the amounts of Private Points which were enumerated to us.

"Kurushima-kun was right all along," Mori-san exclaimed. "If it weren't for him, we perhaps wouldn't have gotten 59.300 Points," she added.

[Kurushima Kaoru:]

[Private Points: 9.081.022]

[8.896.722 + 59.300 + 125.000]

Due to me revealing the number of my Private Points last month, I didn't take the risk to buy anything else after that.

However, what surprised me wasn't that, but that I'm getting as a member of the student council also Points.

No, I expected some kind of Points, but not to this extent.

125.000 Points do sound good, however, now that I'm not poor anymore on Points, it's not that much of an excitement.

Suddenly, I saw almost everyone approaching me, as I opened the door of the classroom.

"Kurushima-kun," I heard my name being shouted. However, I saw also Hirata among the people, who approached me too.

"Kurushima-kun, it seems like you were right," he exclaimed.

"Sadly, yes, Hirata," I responded. "I had one ounce of hope that I was overthinking everything, however, that doesn't seem to be the case," I exclaimed.

"Yeah, me too," he replied. "Let's ask Chabashira-sensei further about this," he expressed, his voice being infuriated, by the school's nature.

As we were all standing, I heard the door opening as Chabashira-sensei entered the room.

"Ahem," said Chabashira-sensei, intentionally coughing, telling us to go back to our seats.

"Everyone, let's listen to Chabashira-sensei's explanation," I exclaimed, with a charismatic smile.

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