Vol 4. Chapter 1: Paper Shuffle Announcement

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[Kurushima Pov]

[13th October, 8.31]

Right now, everyone was quite concerned regarding the results of the midterm Exams. While most of us knew of the opportunity to buy points introduced by me, they also knew our class was rather mediocre regarding academics.

If too many failed, how would we be able to buy themselves these Points? Besides, nobody wanted to be at fault for reducing the Points at the Class Bank, which is responsible for managing our Private Points all-put together.

Especially, since we were now allowing fewer Points from now onwards, as we lost in the Sports Festival 150 Class Points.

An amount of 45,000 Private Points sounds for many of my classmates too much, as we will only get 88,700 Points allotted now, so we agreed to allot 30,000 Private Points.

It wasn't like I cared for it, since I had with these two accounts together, an amount of nearly 20 Million Private Points.

They were both, after all, under my name registered, so it means, these two phones, and their respective Private Points, were also mine. They have no reason to doubt me, but they better should... actually.

[Kurushima Kaoru:]

[Private Points: 9,704,184 - 250,000]

[Private Points: 9,454,184

[Class Bank:]

[Private Points: 8,510,000]

Coming from next month onwards, I'd get additional 200,000 Private Points from Nagumo, alongside the 1,170,000 Private Points from my class.

I didn't need them quite anymore, but well, you never know what the future holds.

Perhaps, I might be... expelled? Haha, no, of course not.

But she'll need them, once I leave.

I guess, I'm leaving her with that much, huh, then?

Nagumo's Private Points in the future, once he graduates, all of my Private Points, her invaluable position in Ryūen's class.

No matter what, she wouldn't get expelled, once I leave. Ryūen also has plentiful amounts of Private Points, so she won't get expelled.

But why? If she also were to drop out, we could still...

No, I'm not going to have her drop out, because I will. She should stay here, in this school, and ensure her future....

I'm just ensuring that nothing happens to her, at all.

It's better this way, right?

Yes... probably...

I'll soon become a Monster, after all, and then, the boy she loved once, won't exist anymore, in reality...

I really had to fall in Love in my limited stay here, huh? It really makes me feel complicated about everything so suddenly...

Anyhow, that's not the precise time to space out.

"I hope I passed the Midterm Exams," Ike exclaimed.

"If you're still failing the Midterm Exams now, after all the learning we did, I don't know what to say anymore..." Horikita exclaimed.

Horikita, Kushida, Hirata, Yukimura, and I formed learning groups regarding the Midterm Exams, with 7 people each, aside from Yukimura's one with 6, which results in 34 Students in total, as Koenji wasn't taking part in them.

However, they were slightly sorted differently, this time.

I was in charge of taking the students with low academics, since I was to my surprise a great teacher according to them, who could easily explain the different subjects, where many of my classmates were still lacking.

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