SS: Ryūen Kakeru - Another Monster

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A/N: Long chapter, ahead.

Hopefully, you'll like it.

I just have a small question before the chapter starts.

Would you rather have Kurushima's skillset or Ayanokoji's?

We're just talking about their abilities, nothing more.

I'm just curious, tbh.

[Word Count: 7806]


[27th December, 8.19]

[Ryūen Pov]


"Shit... Why don't these two bastards let me simply drop out...?"

"They're dropping out if I drop out..."

"Albert and Ishizaki... you two..."


"They were even ready to take full accountability for the camera that was sprayed with graffiti. Although... it's useless... since that bastard Ayanokoji took the fault for it and paid the reparations for the destroyed camera..."

"I'm not even sure why I'm staying here. I'm fucking stuck in here because of these two, but I guess..."

"I'll laze around, simply..."


"I probably can't..."

"Since there's that guy, too.."

"The one who anticipated Ayanokoji's moves the whole time..."

"The another fucking Monster in this school..."


"Whether it's Kanzaki or not... is something I don't care anymore..."

"It's not my battle..."

"If I failed against Ayanokoji, how should I defeat that other Monster, who had him the whole time in his palms, basically...?"

On the 23rd December, one day after the rooftop incident, Ayanokoji, I, and Horikita Manabu had a conversation. In that, he revealed that Y appeared on the rooftop, too.

And apparently, he nearly expelled Ayanokoji.

I didn't expect that, honestly.

No matter how it looked like...

Horikita Manabu, his homeroom Teacher, and he himself... they'd have been punished greatly.

In his case... it'd be his Expulsion.

Horikita Manabu would lose Class Points... and as for that Monster's teacher... to keep quiet about this matter, she'd lose her job, most likely.

Some matters could be easily overlooked.

But something like this...

Broken Bones...

Especially, if Y forces us for a statement, he could easily have achieved this.

Horikita Manabu was seen entering this rooftop, alongside Ayanokoji, while that Monster's homeroom teacher was right in front of the building, probably having been seen conversing with that Monster.

In the school's perspective, no matter how you looked at it, Ayanokoji would have been the insinuator behind these crucial injuries from us.

No matter what... it didn't matter if Horikita Manabu tried to state it was not Ayanokoji likewise with his teacher, since nothing recorded anyone else being present aside from us and them.

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