Vol 1. Chapter 10: Unveiling The Truth

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[8th April, Dormitories, 18.11]

[Kurushima Pov]

Upon entering my room, I quickly placed a call to Hirata Yosuke.

As I dialed his number, I noticed that he picked up almost immediately.

"Kurushima-kun, do you need something?" Hirata asked as we spoke on the phone.

"Yes, I have a matter of importance that I would like to discuss with you. Would it be possible for you to come to room 402?"

"Of course, Kurushima-kun. I'll be there shortly. Just give me a few minutes," he replied.

"Alright, I'll hang up now."

"Sounds good. I'll see you soon," Hirata said before hanging up.

I hung up the phone and waited. After six minutes, I heard a knock on my door.

"Hello Hirata, please come in," I said as I opened the door to let him in.

"Thank you," he said, removing his shoes before entering my room.

"Please, take a seat wherever you'd like. Can I get you anything? A drink, tea, or coffee perhaps?"

"Black tea would be great, if possible," Hirata responded.

I returned a few minutes later with a cup of black tea for him.

"Here is your tea," I said, placing it on the table in front of him.

"Thank you," he said before continuing. "So Kurushima-kun, what is this important matter you wanted to discuss?"

"It's about the S-System," I explained. "Do you remember the questions I asked Chabashira-sensei on the first day?"

"Ah, let me think...Yes, I remember now. You asked about whether the school offered a memorandum and whether our points would be allotted for the next month," Hirata said, recalling the conversation.

"Is there a reason you asked those questions?"

"Yes, I had my reasons. But now I have a question for you, Hirata. Do you think we'll receive 100,000 points each month?" I asked.

"Is that a trick question?" Hirata asked, confused.

"No, it's a serious meant question, Hirata," I said as I leaned back in my chair. Hirata looked at me with a slightly confused expression. "I have a few reasons for thinking that the school may not be allotting the full 100,000 points per month."

"I don't think the school would lie to us, about that aspect." He replied earnestly.

"But I do," I exclaimed, whereupon Hirata looked at me with a mixture of shock and confusion. "You do? You mean you think the school won't give us 100,000 points for the next month?" Hirata exclaimed, his facial expression being browed in surprise.

"Yeah, I have a few reasons for that, which I would like to explain to you more thoroughly," I said, leaning forward in my chair.

I began by explaining my suspicions about the way the school judges students based on merit, and how the cameras in the classroom and the lack of proper explanations about the S-System seemed suspicious to me.

I also mentioned my concerns about the fact that the school allots 576 million points per year, which converts to 576 million yen, and the free items and part-time job offers that seem too good to be true. I even talked about the classification of private points and how seniors and sophomores were giving imprecise answers about the S-System.

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