Vol 3. Chapter 5: First Day As A Couple [2/3]

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[20th August, 15.47]

[Third Person Pov]

[Words: 4295]

Currently, it was 15.47 o'clock, and all shops had opened. 

He wondered whether they should really immediately head out to watch a movie, or spend time together there and watch the movie later. 

Besides that, he wanted to buy something for them. But it should be a surprise to her, so he hadn't told her it yet.

"Kaoru, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Do you think it'll become a problem if we two... date despite being in different classes?"

He shakes his head. "Of course not. To begin with, I'm not particularly interested in graduating from Class A. Whether your class is class A or mine, it doesn't matter to me."

"I see..." she responded embarrassingly.

"But won't your classmates reject our relationship?" 

After thinking for a moment, Kurushima answered. "If they try to tell me with whom I should be together... I might need to reconsider in which class I want to be."

Having heard that, she became relieved, but also shocked. Wasn't he basically telling her right now that if his class didn't want them to be in a relationship, he would switch classes? 

Didn't that mean... they could be together—not just now, but perhaps the whole day, if that ever happens?

"Anyway, don't worry; I don't believe they would ever think of saying this. But if they do... I might have assessed them falsely."

But that being said, wasn't her boyfriend the leader of his class? If he were to truly switch, what'd it mean to his class? 

They'd obviously feel betrayed, and they might not be able to advance towards the class ranking anymore.

Hiyori, slightly embarrassed to what extent he would go for her, smiled brightly. "Kaoru... can we watch the movie at night? I'd like to spend more time with you together today."

"Of course. I wanted to propose the same thing."

"Where should we go?" she asks.

"Hmm, do you want to go... shopping? I think it'd be quite fun."

Thinking of shopping, Hiyori recognized she would only go there a few times there. When she was in need of different clothes, she had the ones she brought from home. 

However, yesterday, her shopping with Mei-san was quite fun. She wanted to get an opinion from her for her date with Kurushima. She had tested quite a few clothes out. 

In the end, she took a more casual approach.

"Yes, I agree."

In the next three minutes, they arrived at the mall.

Compared to the electronic store, the Mall wasn't that far away. It was precisely almost a couple of hundred meters away from the 'All-You-Can-Eat' restaurant.

"Isn't that... Kurushima-kun?" someone exclaimed.

"But who is the girl... next to him?"

"His girlfriend?"

"I thought he didn't have a girlfriend."

"Kaoru, your name comes quite often in these types of conversations."

Awkwardly, he scratched the back of his head. "I seem to be very popular."

"A bit too popular," she pouted.

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