Vol 1. Chapter 16: Midterm Exam

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[Ayanokoji Pov]

The midterm exams are finally over. That was hard. Hopefully, I'll pass.

Sighing out of relief, I looked at the person sitting in front of me. It was Class D's leader, Kurushima Kaoru. He's someone who earned the praise and respect from each of us in the class.

Even among the trouble students like Koenji, Ike, Yamauchi, and Sūdo he earned their respect.

Whenever I'm talking with Sūdo, I hear him praising Kurushima about the basketball match they played. He was nearly on the same level as him, from what I heard. But there is this strange thing which Sūdo also told me.

Which is that Kurushima asked before playing for an thoroughly explanation of the basketball rules. And once he received the explanation, they played. Sūdo also mentioned that his moves got copied by him in an instant and that Kurushima was able to perform them perfectly.

Well, I'm not sure whether that is really true, or Sūdo just exaggerating. Nevertheless, it's the undeniable truth that with Kurushima Class C has a high chance to advance up to Class A.

[Three Days Later]

"Sensei. We were told that the results would be announced today, but when?"

"There's no need for you to get so worked up, Hirata. You should have passed quite easily."

"So, when will the results be released?"

"Well, if you'd like, now is as good a time as any. If we waited to do it after class, we wouldn't have enough time for other procedures."

Some of the students visibly reacted to the words "other procedures."

"What...do you mean by that?"

"Don't get flustered. I'll tell you now."

As usual, she revealed the details simultaneously and collectively. She stuck a large, white sheet of paper with everyone's names and test scores onto the blackboard.

"Honestly, I'm impressed. I didn't think that you'd score so well. Many students tied with perfect scores in mathematics, Japanese, and social studies more than eleven of you, actually."

Some of the students shouted in joy and delight when they saw the 100s lined up on the results sheet. However, some weren't smiling. The only grade that truly mattered was Sūdo's score in English.

Then—We saw Sūdo's test scores. He had scored sixty points in four of the five main subjects, which was considerably high. He'd scored thirty-nine points in English.

"Yes!" Sūdo leapt up and shouted with joy. Ike and Yamauchi stood and cheered, too.

There was no red line to be found on the results sheet. Kushida and I shared a glance and sighed in relief.

Horikita didn't smile or cheer, but she did appear relieved.

"We showed you, sensei! When we really try our best, we can do anything!" Ike wore a smug, confident look.

"Yes, I recognize that. You all did very well. However—" Chabashira-sensei held a red pen in her hand.

Sūdo unintentionally let out a "Huh?" She drew a red line right above Sūdo's name.

"Wh-what is that? What does that mean?"

"You failed, Sūdo."

"Huh? You're lying, right? Don't give me that crap! Why did I fail?" He cried.

Of course, Sūdo was the first one to protest this. In response to Sūdo's failing grade, the entire classroom did a complete one-eighty. We stopped our delighted cheering and erupted in confusion.

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