Vol. 1. Chapter 19: SS: Shiina Hiyori - Visiting Kurushima, 1st July

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[1st July]

[Hiyori Pov]

I'm so sorry, Kaoru.

I am not supportive of Ryūen-kun's plan, but they are for the merit of our class. Henceforth, I can't do otherwise but keep quiet that Ryūen-kun intentionally framed Sūdo-kun in your class.

I really hope that doesn't affect our friendship. And I feel so bad for not telling you anything about it. I hope you can forgive me.

I want to apologize to you just in advance about everything. I should go to your class after the lesson ends. Yes, Hiyori, you should do that.

After the lessons ended, I made my way to Class C. Although, I could see many people of my class and the one of others being shocked because of something. Although I am not sure why.

After all, I have only a few telephone number's collected since the beginning of the school: Ryūen-kun's, Ishizaki-kun's, Albert-kun's, Ibuki-san's, Mei-san's, and that of Kaoru's.

But walking further and further to Class C, I could hear many people talking that Kaoru wasn't present. And once I saw Mei-san, I approached her because I was curious whether that was true.

"Mei-san," I exclaimed.

"Shiina-san," she expressed.

"Has Kaoru been present?" I asked in curiosity.

"Kaoru?" she asked. "Ah, you mean Kurushima-kun, right?" she added.

I simply nodded in return.

"You two are using your first name basis? Ah...how romantic," she exclaimed. Although I wasn't able to hear the last part from her.

"Mei-san, I didn't properly understand the last part. Could you please repeat that?"

"Ah, I am sorry for speaking so quiet. I meant how romantic that the two of you are on a first name basis."

"R-Romantic?" I responded in shock.

The first name basis is romantic? 


We are simply friends who read two times a week.

I would wish that it could be more. Perhaps three or four times a week, but Kaoru's schedule with the student council is really busy.

I am sad because of that, but that doesn't imply necessarily romance, right?

No...I am not sure.

In the first place, I don't know how love feels since I never was in love to begin with even once.

I only have read in books that your heart is supposed to beat faster and that you'll feel happy once that happens. You are nervous around that person and constantly thinking about them.

When I am around Kaoru, I feel happy. Although I haven't felt any instances of my heartbeat increasing or of any of the other aspects.

Perhaps I am simply misinformed about the signs of how you feel when you experience love.

Yesn't, I am not sure.

"Shiina-san?" I heard Mei-san speaking my name.

"Ah, Mei-san, I apologize, I was absent in my thoughts."

"Nothing to worry, Shiina-san. And also I haven't answered your question, right? I am sorry I was just so fascinated that the two of you speak on the first name basis," she said.

"I kind of wish that Hirata-kun would also call me Mei, just like Kurushima-kun calls you by your first name," Mei-san muttered.

"Ah, sorry for speaking about something unrelated again. Regarding your question, Shiina-san, Kurushima-kun is sick. Sensei told us this morning that he has a fever and will stay for this week in his room."

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