Vol 2. Chapter 1: Flashback Chapter [4] - The Spark of Vengeance

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[15th July]

[Kurushima Pov]

It's been two weeks since the death of my family members. I still remained at home, but I somehow could eat more or less, than previously. It was a progress, for me and Aoki.

But I still felt as apathetic as before. However, in front of Aoki, I'm able to express more emotions. As for anyone else, they need to come down with the fact that I'm going to talk to them stoically.

After all, I can't trust them. At the end of the day, they're just going to be like these policemen.

Some people controlled by the person or persons who are most likely responsible for my family's death.

I'm certain that this is the case. But I just don't know who. There's a list of people whom I could narrow down, but it would be more than a few thousand.

It's too much. I need something where I can narrow the list of suspects to a few individuals. That's what I'm thinking these days all about.

Or am I just overthinking everything?

I didn't go to a therapist until now because I felt threatened if I'm talking with them and at the end of the day everything I said would be hearable to the culprit or culprits.

I might be overthinking everything. That's why these couple of days I tried to somewhat distract my attention from everything.

Studying and learning helped.

I don't know why, but we have a study room at home and it helped. I could distract myself, for a few hours each day efficiently from all that emotional pain.

But now I'm reaching a new problem.

I already finished more than sixty percent of the middle school content and if it continues like this for a week-long further, I might finish them already.

Having an almost perfect memory is quite bothersome. The moment I'm reading something one time, I'm bound to remember it.

Just like how I'm never going to forget this pain or the memories of mine.

I'm missing them...


[1 Day Later]

Today, I think it's time to enter the working room of my father...

I remember the time when I sat on his lap three years ago when I was four and he said he wanted to start writing down diary entries.

I never really paid attention to it then, since well...I was quite annoying and disturbed my father simply out of fun. I was quite annoying until the age of five, wasn't I? Yeah...I was...


It wouldn't hurt reading the diary, would it?


There's one problem...

The diary is in a safe...

A five digital code number safe, which only offers three attempts per day. Since I never paid attention, well...due to my amusement to annoy my father, I don't know what the code conceivably could be.

Aoki also doesn't know that unfortunately...

So I'm required of guessing...

Or it could be written down somewhere here...

I tried three codes, as they were the birthdays of me, Kaori, and Kyō, in a shortened form, as the safe doesn't have eight codes where I can simply type them in.

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