Vol 1. Chapter 8: Flashback Chapter [1] - Fateful Day

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[4th April, Class]

[Kurushima Pov]

Now, even the boys, who would never talk to me, approach me, greet me, and ask for my phone number. It seems like it was a great idea of having accidentally let my 'phone' fall down. 

Anyhow, the class began as usual. However, this time, Chabashira-sensei had a very satisfied look on her face. 

Is she going to announce it? That I got accepted into the student council?

Yeah, most likely the case. I wonder how Horikita-senpai's sister reacts to this information. In any case, this lesson might be a little bit amusing.

"Ahem. I have a small announcement to make. It's a good one, don't worry. Yesterday in the afternoon, one student in this class got accepted into the student council." Chabashira-sensei said, making the class fully tense.

"What?! Who?" The one who said that was Horikita-senpai's little sister, Horikita Suzune. 

She was rather left bewildered, upon the sudden revelation that a student from this class is joining the student council.

"You're curious, aren't you? But before I'm revealing that student's identity, I want to praise them first. Being accepted on day three into the student council is something nobody achieved before. Furthermore, the president himself was the one who requested the student's admission to the student council."

"Woah, who is it?" Ike asked in a demanding tone.

"Yeah, yeah, Sae-sensei, who is it?" Karuizawa-san asked.

"Is it Hirata-kun?" someone from the girls exclaimed.

"Hirata-kun? No, I think it's more likely to be Kurushima-kun." Mori-san exclaimed in return.

"Now that you mention it, that could be the case," she replied.

Horikita-san listened thoroughly to the conversation between the two of them and began to stare at me.

"Chabashira-sensei, please tell us who it is," Horikita said in an inpatient tone.

"Okay, okay, I had my fun. It's Kurushima." She expressed with a proud tone.

"As I thought, Kurushima-kun, you were able to achieve it," Hirata said in a relieved and happy tone.

"Humph, I was right all along. Who else besides Kurushima-kun would be suited in this class for the student council." Mori-san exclaimed.

"You mean who else besides Kurushima-kun and Hirata-kun, don't you, Mori-san?" one of the girls exclaimed.

"Yeah, him too," she replied.

"I'm glad we don't need to debate about this further, Mori-chan," she said in a relieving tone.

"It's y-you? H-how?" Horikita-san demanded for an answer.

"Who knows?" I replied and concentrated on the lesson further.

"Kurushima-kun, uh...congrats." Ayanokoji-kun expressed in a stoic tone.

"Thank you, Ayanokoji-kun." I replied in return.

"Oy, Yamauchi, he steals all the girls from us," Ike said to Yamauchi.

"Ike, you still don't understand. We're giving him just a head start." Yamauchi said to Ike and suddenly announced. "Next week, all of you will see the true might of the Olympian Swimmer, Yamauchi Haruki. Please, make yourself ready, girls, to experience the best moment of your life."

"Woaahh, Haruki, how cool." Ike exclaimed.

"I know, bro. I know." Yamauchi expressed.

"Oh, no. The two idiots began to talk again." Karuizawa-san expressed in a sorrowful tone.

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