Vol 2. Chapter 13: SS: Shiina Hiyori - A Maiden's Love?

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[Hiyori Pov]

[9th August, 11.14]

Ah, I can't reach the book with my hand, huh? It's precisely three bookshelves above me...

Sometimes, I wish I would be a bit taller, but I guess I can simply take a ladder from the side.

I really didn't imagine that the Cruise Ship would also have a library. It was surprising, honestly, when I found it out four days ago, but it made me extremely happy that I could read books during the cruising trip. While everyone, including the teacher, happened to be on the Deserted Island, the rest of our class, who had retired, didn't do precisely that much.

I was slightly interested in what would happen during the exam and would slightly often lean myself on the iron fence and look towards the direction of the island that was at least two to three kilometers away from the cruise. But during that time, something quite unusual – no something very unexpected happened, that I by no means what I imagined would happen.

A conversation with the infamous Koenji Rokusuke, from whom I heard during these couple of months, many rumors, but likewise also from Kaoru, who a few times had talked with me about 6

A rather unusual fact that he mentioned at that time was that Koenji-kun could evenly match his time in the swimming race, wherein I at that time asked for the time he had.

Even now, I can't believe that he was talking so casual about breaking the current world record for boys, as if it wasn't anything at all. My facial expression at that time has said it all, you are joking with me, right?

But no, he wasn't joking. He meant everything seriously, just like Koenji-kun, who didn't consider his time as anything seriously.

I had talked only a minute with Koenji-kun, and all contents about our conversation were about Kaoru.

Recalling our conversation, it was quite awkward, honestly.



[4th August, 17.21]


"Oh, my, my, what a beautiful and perfect existence I am. I can not help but look at my reflection through my exquisite pocket mirror," I heard someone from the back speaking, who without a doubt must be the infamous Koenji Rokusuke, from Class C.

It seems Koenji-kun has retired, huh? It's not all too surprising, considering all the plentiful rumors one does hear about him.

But it seems like Kaoru and his class also have some internal problems with their class, just like we, too, with Ryūen-kun's tyranny.

Speaking of Ryūen-kun, I wonder when he'll retire. We had only discussed that I would become the leader once he retires and that he'll tell me the leader of the other classes so I could submit them, but nothing more. He didn't specify the period of time when he would retire, so it could be even on the seventh day, considering his personality that he probably will fool the other classes with him being the leader, that's probable to happen.

But then again, I'm not really a fan of the class competitions. I just hope that everyone can get along with each other. That would be the best.

Although that doesn't mean that I won't help my class, if needed.

"My, my, book-girl, are you lonely because Kurushima-boy isn't present?" Koenji-kun asked, monetarily disrupting my thoughts.

"Book-girl? Ah, I suppose you mean me, Koenji-kun. And...I'm not really lonely. I'm just bored, Koenji-kun," I replied, though I suppose I wasn't particularly honest.

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