Vol 1. Chapter 17: Sudo Ken

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[Ayanokoji Pov]

[2nd July]

I stared at the seat right in front of me, which is still empty, despite the Japanese history lesson with Chabashira-sensei starting in a minute. It wasn't just me who intensely stared, everyone in the classroom did.

And in these small moments, I could feel the perplexed and disturbed mood arriving in the classroom. It's quite unusual that the mood of my classmates could change in over ten minutes to 180 degrees.

I also wondered why Kurushima wasn't here. Has he perhaps overslept? I'm not sure. As of right now, I can't be sure.

"One moment, I'll call him," Hirata expressed, taking his phone out and dialing Kurushima's number. He waited patiently, but nothing happened.

Suddenly the door opened and Chabashira-sensei looked at Hirata. "Hirata, have I made myself not clear on the 1st May?"

"It's not because of that Sensei," Hirata expressed in a worrisome tone. "Kurushima-kun isn't here and neither is going on his phone. Sensei, do you perhaps know something?"

"I do," she exclaimed. "But it aren't good news," she added.

Huh? Not good news? What can Sensei possibly imply with that?

"Huh? How so?" Hirata asked, furrowing his eyebrows in surprise.

"Kurushima is dropping out of school," she exclaimed.

I think I misheard her, didn't I?

 Yeah...No way I did. She clearly said Kurushima is dropping out of school.

"Whaaat?!" Everyone shouted in surprise. In all sudden anxiety, nervousness, and sadness formed the face of everyone.

"Sensei, you are joking, right?" Hirata asked, having his hopes high that she was joking.

"Of course I am. Do you really think he would leave the school?" she said in a disappointing and questioning tone. 

"He informed me today morning via an E-Mail that he has a fever. He's just sick. Nothing more, nothing less," she announced.

I could see everyone, including Horikita sighing in relief. Even though our time here hasn't been long, for some people like the girls or for some of the boys Kurushima has become an important part of the school life.

Whether it might be for his capabilities to lead our class to Class A or for his charm that made many of the girls fall for him.

But after progressing the information further, many became shocked and expressed their worry in the classroom that Kurushima is sick.

Chabashira-sensei looked at us with a deep sigh and began speaking. "And also don't worry, we've sent the school doctor to Kurushima's room, who's going to proscribe him some medicine," she said, making some of us worry-free.

"But that's not the only bad news," she added, pausing for a moment to let her words sink in. The room grew silent, everyone holding their breath in anticipation.

It's about Sūdo, right? Yeah...

"There was a bit of trouble the other day, an incident between the student sitting there, Sūdo, and some students from Class D. In short, there was a fight."

The classroom erupted. Depending on the degree of responsibility that Class D saddled him with, Sūdo could face suspension, and we might see a reduction in our class points. Chabashira-sensei laid the whole situation bare for the class. Her face was so devoid of emotion or interest when she spoke that there was a certain serene beauty to it. She inserted no personal bias whatsoever when she addressed the class, and explained the situation from a position of neutrality.

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