Vol. 4 Chapter 13: The Beginning of a Battle

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[Ryūen Pov]

[21th December]

I approached one of my henchmen from behind, touching him on the shoulder, as he stood there like an idiot in the middle of the floor, looking several times side to side.

"Komiya, you were supposed to look after Kurushima. Where is he...?"

"I don't know, Ryūen-san... I lost him..."

"Tch... go support, Ishizaki. He must have noticed someone was trailing him."

But why would that bastard even care...?

He knows they won't do anything aside from simply bothering and observing him. It might be annoying, but that's it.

He also does not meet up with Hiyori, so perhaps he has an affair...?


Of course not.

What an amusing thought.

Slowly, with my hands in the pocket, I walked over to the toilet.

I looked at the clock, seeing how ten minutes remaining were still left, so I've had enough time to empty myself.

If I were to come late, we'd lose Class Points. We're just 2 Class Points from Class A away, but...

That crippled loli...

Will she stay in this school...?

She was not today present in her class, apparently.

I don't care, either way. But I wanted to be the one, who crushes her.

I walked further, until I opened the doorknob of the WC for the boys in this floor. As I opened the door, I saw the very own person I looked for.

He was staring at himself in the mirror, washing his hands, his face, slightly wet.



His voice sounded entirely monotone, not like the usual tone he carries. He took the paper towel from the side cleaning his hands and face, throwing it, then away.

"Had a nice shit?"

He simply looked at me dead in the eyes, with his red eyes.

"I'm not in the mood for any of your games."


I looked at him, tilting my head to the side.

"Are you deaf...? Do you want me to repeat it...?"

When I heard this bastard's sudden attitude, I felt the immediate urge of beating him up and have noticed that I had thrown a kick at him.

But before I knew it, I saw him dodging my kick, sidestepping to the side. Just when I wanted to do more, I felt my right arm being apprehended by him from the back.

That bastard even pressed my face against the mirror...

"Did you really believe you could possibly hit me, Ryūen...?"

Instantly, I felt how he released my arm and was in the process of walking away from the WC.

"You know who X is..."

"And you don't care what he does, do you...?"

"The rumors about Ichinose extorting Points from my class..."

"Ichinose...?" he looked at me in slight confusion. But then, he seemed to have realized it.

"Ah... there was something like that, was there not...? I forgot. But I don't care, anyhow. Is that all you wanted to say, Ryūen...?"

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