Vol 3. Chapter 6: Movie [3/3]

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[20th August, 17.22]

[Kurushima Pov]

Arriving in front of my room, I opened the door.

"It really is a mess... I can't let my girlfriend see my room in such a pitiful state. Alright, I'm a bit motivated to clean now. I should also start a timer. It certainly would be better."

Opening the phone, I immediately set a ten-minute timer.

"Ten minutes start from now," I said, clicking the start button.

Firstly, I began to put all my clothes lying on the floor in the washing machine. It was quite a lot of clothes, but luckily they fit into it. Afterward, I immediately put the plates in the kitchen sink in the rinsing machine. 

As for my room, it wasn't dirty, but neither was it really entirely clean either. So, seeing that I still had eight minutes left, I decided to clean the room. 

It wasn't quite large, so it was rather easy to clean it. Taking the wash broom from the relative small storage room, I filled it with water and cleaned the relative small room. Then, I wiped it off with a towel.

And voilà, the room was now at the very least clean.



"Just in time. Now I simply have to wait for Hiyori to come." 

After a minute of waiting, the doorbell rang.

Although I was right in front of the door for the whole minute, I waited for a couple of seconds before opening it.

I didn't want her to think I waited there the whole ten minutes. It'd become a bit embarrassing, truthfully.

Grabbing the door handle, I opened the door.

"Hiyori, you're here. Come in."

She nods her head. "Please excuse me."

She took her shoes off, then took them off with her right hand, putting them on the floor.
"You bought yourself quite a bit."

Looking around, that was the first thing you could notice.

Compared to her last visit on July 1st, there are now a couple more things here now. The coffee machine is an example of that. 

I bought it myself because I wanted to be awake for a bit longer. I would sometimes go jogging after waking up suddenly in the middle of the night suddenly. I was never to begin with a person who could sleep well. I guess that's the aftereffect of having PTSD...

The nightmares had stopped for a while, but after two months, they occurred today again. Hah, I thought I at least managed to solve it somehow. 

Yet, they don't seem to stop. 

I can't do much about it, though.

Fortunately, I have them rarely nowadays. Compared to the past, that is. I had them frequently for quite a long time, day after day.

Compared to now, just having them in the time span of one to two months is a great improvement. 

"Kaoru, can I test the yogurt, perhaps?"

She was looking at the Yogurt Maker device. There were different kinds of flavors I tried after reading the receipt list that depicted them. 

I made only those flavors that I could make with the ingredients here and the yogurt sachets I bought from the convenience store. I did make three out of eight entirely on my own, though. As for the others'... well. I did make them with the yogurt sachets from the convenience store.

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