Vol. 4. Chapter 3: Preparation

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[Kurushima Pov]

[October 14th, Morning]

"Sakayanagi and Kanzaki, huh?"

"Whenever I see them, smiling, laughing, enjoying themselves, I can't stand it at all costs. It disgusts me, and makes me feel so much hatred. It always reminds me, that I was unable to achieve anything regarding them, yet..."

"I know why, after all, but... it doesn't change much at all. They're lucky, because these two were people I couldn't confront until now. For me, persevering my family's legacy, having them known throughout Japan, is of upmost importance."

"Nobody will forget about any of them, I'll make sure of that..."

"Once I will return to Kyoto, skip high school, graduate from university soon to get accreditation there, pass the legal age, I'll make high contributions to Japan's economics, change the working System they'd have wanted, and... some of the political aspects, too."

"I won't enter politics, even though I could. I'll... probably... bribe or threaten a few politicians and make the reforms that'll help Japan, overall."

"And once everything is achieved, my revenge, their legacy, the political system they always wanted to change, I'll finally end the cycle of hatred, with me..."

"I won't have anything like bonds, soon, anyway. Nobody will get worked up, if I die. Aoki, I noticed it plenty of times, but you're reaching your limits... slowly..."

"You're 77 years old, suffering from the limitations of age. You've been with us for 49 years... and you're like a Father, for me..."

"Please enjoy your life, without having a Monster like me present in it... That's my wish..."

"And don't worry... I'm going to change the legal age from 20 to 18, so you can enjoy your life as much as possible..."

"Once that happens... I'll be all alone..."

"Hahaha... that's quite deserving, for someone like me, isn't it?"

"But why..."

"Why did I enter a relationship? Why did I have to fall in love? Why do I feel so happy? I didn't think straight at all that 'day', did I?"

"Yeah... I didn't... I suppose..."

"But I listened... to what I deep down really wanted..."

"Thank you, Hiyori. The time I spent with you so far, was one of the best ones of my life. But for you, I'm just going to be your first love and boyfriend..."

"That's all what I'm going to be, won't I?"

"You'll get over... me... "

"I don't want to regret anything if I see you with someone else... so I'll make sure to avoid our paths in the future. But... studying in Tokyo... it's perhaps the best choice, after all..."

"Every one of them, is, after all, in Tokyo..."

"But among these four, only two of them have children."

"Kanzaki and Sakayanagi..."

"The cycle of hatred won't stop, unless I die..."

"Besides... I don't fear death, nor do I have any reasons to live further, aside from my revenge, their legacy, and their goals..."

"By having me die, the name Kurushima will be eternally in the mind of everyone, for someone so young to die, who will do in the future plenty of achievements..."

"With that, they'll remember your names, willfully or not..."

"But... not before... Aoki... dies..."

"I won't let him mourn for me in sadness..."

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