Vol 3. Chapter 4: Confession [1/3]

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[20th August, 10.04]

[Third-Person Pov]

"Kaoru... You killed us. You weren't there when we needed you."

"Stop it. You're not real. My Mother isn't like this. She would never s—"

"Kaoru... You haven't avenged us yet. Have you forgotten about us? Have you forgotten what happened? Have you forgotten about our suffering?"

"No, of course not, Father. I'm already doing everything I c—"

"Nii-san, you liar. You liar. You said you would play me "Für Elise," didn't you? You promised it me. You liar..."

"No, it's not like that, Kyō. I wanted to play it for you. But all of you never arriv—"

"Nii-san, why did you let me die? Didn't you say you would protect me? You said you'd protect me no matter what happened. You said it, didn't you, Nii-san? So why? Why am I dead, Nii-san?"

"Kaori... I'm sorry. I wasn't there when you needed me the most. Please forgive m—"

"Forgiveness?!" she asked. 

"Avenge us, then you might get forgiveness." The voices of these four echoed through his ears.

"....Haaah.... Haah...." he breathed at an irregular speed.

"A nightmare?! How long has it been since I last experienced one? It's been almost two months now since my last one."

For a couple of seconds, he began to recompose himself.

He looked at his shirt. "Sweat? I see... I should better go into the shower. After all, I'll meet up with Hiyori later. I shouldn't go in a state like this."

After fifteen minutes, he left the shower and prepared himself a breakfast. 

He cooked himself a bowl of rice, a miso soup, salted salmon, Tamayoyaki, and made himself a bowl of Blanched Broccoli with Sesame Oil.

A classic traditional Japanese breakfast. "It's also been a long time since I ate a breakfast like this. Too long, actually."

He ate while remembering a few things from his past. He liked this dish always, but neither his little brother nor sister did. 

Not even his father. 

It was just his Mother and him who had this specific taste. However, it's been almost eight years since he ate this dish last time.

"Good old memories."

While eating, he smiled slightly. Memories like these could ease his mood a bit.
It didn't even take 5 minutes until he was finished with the meal. "Well... I will clean the tableware later." 

He proceeded to put the tableware in the sink and went once again to bed, staring at the ceiling.

[30 Minutes Later]

"I can't sleep. Damn it. Should I simply head out outside? Yeah, it might be better to buy myself.... what precisely? I don't really lack anything here."

Saying that, he looked around his room... 

"...I have up to... 90 different clothes, 30 brought from home; I have more than enough tableware, an expensive set of kitchen utensils, a rice cooker, a coffee maker, up to 80 books on my shelves, a video game console alongside video games, a fifty-inch television... so what exactly should I buy?"

He pondered in deep thought.

"I guess I'll buy myself a Yogurt Maker until Hiyori contacts me. Do I still have the coupon for the 5 percent Discount on any electronic device?"

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