Burn Bright

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The pavement is icy and my heels click clack as we walk with cautious steps, hands entwined. There was this warm , gooey feeling in me that feels...amazing. Ever since he got back from Scotland four months ago, I've spent each possible moment with Jamie. With him there was no doubt , questioning it was..easy. It was easy to fall in love with Jamie.
You let yourself fall and know that he will catch you.
There was no pain, no anguish.
Sure the shutter bugs still hound us now and then but even they've gotten used to seeing us joint at the hip.
I look up at him as he smiles at a few passing girls who giggled as they recognized him.
Feeling a surge of affection for him, I stretched up to give him a peck of his cheeks.
He looked down at me in surprise, dark brown eyes sparkling.
"Not that I don't appreciate it, but what was that for?"
I kept walking, shrugging one shoulder and said over my shoulder, "Nothing in particular, I just love you."
He caught up to me with 3 quick strides with those long legs of his.He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him.He lowered himself down and pressed his lips down softly to mine. I smiled against his lips.We weren't exactly big on PDA but...I could make an exception.
"I love you too, more and more every day. Thank god for that first premiere date."
I laughed,remembering that day.
He pulled me up and started walking again with his arm around my waist.
"So Miss Indecisive,have you decided where to go yet?"
Oops.Safe to say I had no idea.
"Er...I dunno.I wanna do something different Jams!"
"Hmm,want me to cook you an Irish meal?"
Yum.That would be..god yes.Jamie knows how to cook,heck yes he does.
"Fuck yes.To the better cook's abode."
Jamie laughed and shook his head.
I had a radio interview and a meeting to attend to in the morning and...wait a minute.The meeting is first and it's just a few blocks from Jamie's place.Huh.Talk about perfect.
We reached his place and I made myself comfortable on his couch.I looked around,admiring the homeyness this place had.I'd been here more times than I can count but still I couldn't get over its beauty.It wasnt all steel and marble countertops and a living room full of video game consoles like most bachelor pads. It had this masculine touch to it sure but it was a place you'd love to come home to after a long day.
I picked up a People's magazine from the coffee table as Jamie went into the kitchen,rummaging for ingredients.
He was on the front cover and goddamn he looked eatable in blue. Sorry about the objectifying but man.I called out to him as I stared at those smouldering eyes of his in the mag,"Have I mentioned how freaking hot you are?"
I heard his chuckle and then,"Hmm,can't remember,maybe. Refresh my memory?"
I got up and stealthily made my way to where he was opening a packet of what looked like..well I dunno.He didn't jump when I put my arms around him from behind and whispered in what I hoped was a sexy voice in his ears, "I'd love to refresh your memory.You have the most....ugliest face I've seen in Hollywood.Ugh" I bit my lip to keep from laughing and forced myself to keep a pokerface.Pray to the Pokerface lord Mikey Way,Jen.
"Really ?" He turned around slowly and the grin dropped from my face
seeing his.Oh dear.I know that face.That face is for when he plans on being devious.A seemingly innocent pouty face,pretending to be hurt but oh I know how innocent.
I backed up the steps he took toward me until I hit the refrigerator..Shit.His kitchen is supposed to be huge,damnit.
I gave him a sheepish grin while he blocked my way by capturing me,leaning his hands beside my face.
He leaned in more until his face was about an inch from mine,our noses touching.I had a control over my breathing as of now but I was slowly losing.Then he brushed his lips against mine,teasing me.That alone was enough to send a shiver down my spine.Slowly,he moved down,down,ohh,till he reached the cleavage of my shirt.Oh my god....there goes my control.
He looked up at me through those long lashes and lifted one hand to stroke my jaw softly.I felt my eyes close automatically. I was aware that he could practically hear my escalated heartbeat with his face so near my chest.
So this is his game.Traitor body.
He kissed the swell of my breasts but didn't stop there.Lower..
More heat pooled at my centre the lower he went. I'm done for if he goes further. But he didn't. I felt his hot breath near my ear.
"So...even ugly men affect you so much? Hmm?" I guess it was a rhetorical question because he went back down and...kissed me there. Sure,my jeans stopped the possibility of any real contact but it was enough to make me gasp,breathless.I relented.
"Ok stop.You're the most fucking hot person I've ever seen." I almost stuttered.He responded by giving me a chaste kiss before going back to his cooking. Really? He's going for chaste now??...Asshole.
But he turned his head a bit and said,"By the way,believe me you're not the only one affected."
I grinned victoriously at that.Good.
I didn't miss his subtle adjusting of his pants.I resisted the urge to do a fist pump.I almost slid down the fridge,my legs felt so much like jelly but I walked over and said casually,"Need some help?"
An hour later,we both sat down exhaustedly at the dining table with two steaming plates of "Irish chowder". Catching a whiff of the chowder while it was cooking had alone made my stomach rumble.Now with it ready,my mouth was all but watering.
I took a bite tentatively as he gauged my reaction.My eyes widened and then closed in delight as I savored it.
"Now I know why they call it foodgasm." I choked at his casual statement.
It was amazing I had anything to do with this meal.
Later, we both just collapsed into bed without bothering even thinking about anything else. Despite the mild case of blue balls he suffered earlier. Ahem.

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