Bombshell(s) 1

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Waking up early I went about my usual routine.Coffee,Vocal and guitar practice and rehearsal.

And then it was finally time to go!! I checked my outfit:Sum 41 tee(what can i say, i love band tees)jeans and boots.Took a deep breath and checked the address Mikey had sent.Oh cool just a few down from me!

Before I started to hyperventilate I started singing.Hmm well song of the day is Maroon 5's She Will Be Loved.I know right.I dont think I should be nervous about meeting fellow musicians!But I was.I cant help it.Ok lets go.

I hummed and trudged along.At that time i didnt realise that I had been to this particular bus at a particular time since i was so distracted.But damn I shoud  have.Would have saved me the shock of a lifetime...


Still singing,volume a little louder, as i went to knock on the door,it opened and I gave a start of suprise."Yikes!Stalk much Mikey?"

He laughed and said"Hey!Gimme a break.I heard you singing and that who else had such a beautiful voice?"

I grinned at that and bowed"well then thank you."

"Come on in.I havn't told them who exactly is coming in.So prepare for an overexcited hug from Frank."He rolled his eyes. Out loud he shouted "Hey guys,our suprise guest is here!Come greet her."

And then from inside came a bounding sound and a voice "Her??Its a girl? Nice Mikey!" and another one as they approached "Frank!!" "Hehe,sorry Alicia."As we watched amusedly,A short guy with blond soiked hair came bounding out from the corridor and stopped short the moment he saw me.Huh.One side of his hair is red.It actually looks cool.He stammered "M-Mikey....tell me that this gorgeous person standing here only looks like Jennifer Hardy...."

"Really Frank?I thought you'd like to meet her.Ok then,this isnt Jen Hardy,just a look alike I met at the coffee shop."As I controlled my laughter,Frank shouted"Wait no no.Tell me it Is Jennifer who by some miracle has landed on the dork bus!"

At this I burst out laughing,and at that point,a girl came out frowning,"Frank could you stop being so effing lou-oh Hi there."

I greeted her.

"Im Alicia.Mikey's girlfriend.Nice to meet you Jennifer."

After this introduction,Frank shot up and stood in front of me.He stared in awe."Umm well,Im Frank Iero and Uh well..can i hug you?"

I laughed,"Hi Frank.Im Jen but i guess you already know that.And yes i suppose a hug won't hurt."I turned to Mikey."Right?" he chuckled amd shrugged,you never know.

Frank gave me a hug.And jumped up and down."Yeahhh i hugged Jen Hardy!"

Well his enthusiasm is something.

"Alright alright.Time for other intros.Hey Ray!Christa!Jamia?

3 more people came out.Mikey started introducing.A guy with a kickass afro was introduced as Ray Toro.His girlfriend Christa and Franks girl Jamia. ..."and Im Mikey Way"he concluded grinning.

I said"It is awesome to meet you guys!!Really.I love your music.Speaking of..Ok which one of you writes the lyrics?I wanna give them a hug especially."

When i said this,everyone looked uncomfortable.I looked at them questioningly."What?"

As Mikey shrugged and was going to answer "Well my-" the door opened with a bang.

Everyone turned around not seeming suprised at the interruption.

"Hey Mikes wazzz the whole shebaannngg huh? As the fragmentsss of my skull begin ta fall.NANAn."A voice slurred singing and laughing for no apparent reason.I recogmized that he was singing Headfirst For Halos.

I stilled.What.the.hell.

Mikey said pointing"As i was saying,he does." I stuttered,What?Thats fucking impossible.I..I.."I groaned' This is NOT happening!!

(contd in part 2)



HI guys!!( Waves like an idiot.).Long tme no talk.So as you read i recommended a book through Jen.It really is awesome and y'all should really check it out.So at this point ive got like no reads at all and im writing for myself cuz im dead bored.But i really hope someone reads this.This chaptr will be in parts as you saw. In the upcoming chapter,therell be songs that may not have been even releases then but I'll be choosing as per the content so dont be suprised.Im not gonna be sticking to the original story!!

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