Getting ditched for the first time

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He....he stood me up.Great just fucking perfect,I thought bitterly as i brushed angry tears away.Fuck him

Id sat there for  45 minutes waiting.But no one can be that late especially if they'd extended the invite.Unless they decided to bail.Maybe there was an emergency?Maybe there was a band crisis?Damn.We hadnt even exchanged numbers!SIGH.Talk about a facepalm moment.Nice going Jen.Anyway what were you thinking agreeing to go out with someone with obvious issues.Stupid Stupid stupid...

And what an effort I'd made too,I sighed running a hand across my hair mussing it up.Id wasted half an hour deciding what to wear.As friends he'd said.So I wore a casual look with a Mayday Parade tee and

faded black jeans and a Green Day hoodie.

What? I might be a "pop rock princess" as they called me but if "pop rock" princesses can get stood up then they can even not give a shit about the latest trends.

Well at least he gave me that not so pleasant first experience..

As I lay on my bed sulking,I decided to give Cary a call.Cary was my best friend,the only one i was still contact with since I left North Carolina.Yup country girl y'all.He picked up after a few rings,his voice thick with sleep."Jen?Everythin alrite hon?" "Oops Care i totally forgot about the time difference!"

He chuckled " thats alright Jen,anythin for you"."No!You got work in the morning.Its not that urgent.I'll call you later ok?"."Alright baby girl,talk later.Ciao".I sighed and ended the call.

The next whole day was spent with everyone tiptoeing around afraid to set me off.And that irritated me even

more.I don't take out my anger on any one other than the reason! I wish i wouldnt see the "reason" ever again.I suppose Im over reacting but looks like im more like the other "celebs" that i detest more than i thought.Ok Jen,get over it,move on

and forget.I put a smile on my face with renewed energy amd shouted "Ok people,sorry for looking lke i got something up my ass all morning.I suppose there was but now lets get to work!!" It almost seemed like they all heaved a sigh of relief.Hmph.Im sure i wasnt that bad...

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