Solo No More

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I fidgeted with my dress a little more.Ugh its a little too cleavage showing than I remember.Jamia swatted my hands away.

"Jennifer stop! You look fanfuckingtastic..really.I dont just say stuff do I?God I envy your hair and curves.."

I groaned."Im just not comfortable!"

Alicia said,"Well theres nothing you can do about it cuz you leave in exactly a minute.Remember the guys reaction?Its safe to say everyone there will be the same."

Well...the guys' reaction WAS very encouraging.It was like those cartoonish reactions where their jaws drop to the floor.Maybe I can pull this off after all.Its time to get back on track.

I studied myself once more in the mirror.The dress was lavender with not much of design.It had a knee lenght slit and the dress itself was willowy,skimming the ground.There was a shimmery gold waistband that was the favorite part of the dress.Simple but gorgeous.Along with my chestnut wavy hair and the fabulous smoky makeup done by the girls...well,I looked amazing if I might say so myself.While my hair was tied up at the moment with soft tendrils escaping,I knew Im gonna have to take it down soon.

"Well,looks like its time to leave babe."Jamia said,leading me out the door.I quickly grabbed my clutch grumbling under my breath.They accompanied me till the waiting limo promising to keep an eye out on the TV.

Now for the main event.

At the premiere...

Ugh bright lights..Keep smiling Jenn darling.Enjoy one of the worse parts of your glamorous job.

I posed for the camera with the practiced celeb smile.Its not that I didnt love my job,I did.Its one of the only ones where you get to express your emotions in such creative ways like the songs and videos.I just wished it wasnt so....prisonlike sometimes.

And yes we were right about the reaction.When I stepped out of the limo,everyone actually took a pause and then cheered,clapping loudly.Think I even heard a few cat calls.That was one time I didmt have to fake a grin.

Some of the paparazzi kept screaming out stuff like "Hey Jennifer!How the hell are you here alone?"

And "Jen! Over here please!"

I managed to wave off that first question somehow.

And then came the interview part.

Wendy suggested that I talk about my upcoming single and album to promote it.Gotta remember that.

"Heeeyy Jennifer,hows it going?"

Started the blond reporter who got to me first.

And then began a casual talk which felt more like a rapid fire honestly,topics ranging from the movie to my album even MCR (I managed not to talk about Gerard much) and finally to the topic I was dreading.

"So Jen,we all thought you'd be coming with someone,y'know a plus one? Maybe Gerard Way...." she trailed off hoping I'd take the bait and continue.Bitch.

I searched for a reason to that question but also try and change the topic.As I opened my mouth to speak,an arm snaked round my waist and a deep accented voice spoke next to me.

"Ugh,apologies for being late,love.Got caught up with the photographers.And to answer your question,she does have a plus one.Me."


The reporter looked as bewildered as I felt except I managed to reign it in when the hand squeezed my waist non verbally asking me to play along.As I slowly turned around to face the man who caused all this confusion,I let out an internal squeak.Im witnessing Adonis.Im standing before the god Adonis,Im sure of it.Holy hell he's gorgeous,I mean GORGEOUS.
I came back to my senses when he winked at me.God,winks are so hot dont u think?Erm,right.Time to play along.

Rags To Riches (Gerard Way/MCR)Where stories live. Discover now