I AM in My Chemical fucking Romance!!

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I walked back from Starbucks with my headphones turned up loud,Fall Out Boy's Patrick Stump singing about being alone together.And then Bam! There goes my latte as a guy pummels straight into me sideways."Woah!"i said as i flailed trying to catch my footing.

"I gotcha!" said a voice as he steadied me.'Phew ."thanks!" The guy who caught me was lanky,with blond hair falling to his eyes.He had glasses on that he kept pushing up his knows.He looked reaaaally familiar.With a start I realized,Gerard.He looks like him.Ugh Brain don't be ridiculous.
"He chuckled,"no need.I did spill your coffee anyway.Come on lemme buy you another one.No no come on,its on me,he said as i started to protest.

"I'm Mikey,by the way."He said as we waited for our coffee."Im.." "Jennifer"he interrupted,"of course i know who you are!"Oh haha of course."Really?Well you didn't act all..you know". "Fanboying? yeah i know.I guess I think twice about that now since I get that a lot".

That perked up my interest."Really?Are you in a band?" Yeah,you know people they look at me and say,theres a guy who looks like he's in My Chemical Romance.But then I AM in MY Chemical fucking Romance!!" I have a feeling my mouth pretty much dropped open at that point since he asked,umm Jennifer?You okay?"

I replied,umm i know you just talked about the fans' reaction but can i just say OMG I LOVE YOU GUYZZZZ!!" ,i squealed.

Mikey turned red and said,oh um really?Jennifer Hardy has actually heard of My Chem?Wow,the guys are gonna freak!"

"Oh come on you guys are amazing! I was actually waiting to meet you!"

"Well thats an awesome idea!Why dont you come to our bus sometime?It'll be fucking rad.You can meet the guys..and our girls.."
Calm jen calm jen..Keep it cool.
"That will be amazing! When are you people free? I'll drop in then since im pretty much an antisocialite jobless person"

He laughed,"Your fabulous.Well actually today Frank and Ray are going to meet their girlfriends.And i have to get going too.So..tomorrow then?"

"Okay."I bobbed my head excitedly..maybe a little too excitedly."

" Alright!Gimme your number amd I'll text you the location of the bus."I'll see you then right?"he said getting ready to go.

"You bet!Nice meeting you Mikey!"

"It was RAD meeting You Jennifer!!You have no idea!So no hard feeling about the latte then?He grinned."No dont worry",I smirked waving.

"Boy,you do NOT act like a mega celebrity,he said shaking his head."Oh and by the way,nice music choice,he said giving me a thumbs up.

"Oh I know",I said having my sass mode on.

"Gee is gonna love you"he chuckled walking away. Gee?

Omfg.I cant wait for tomorrow.I practically skipped back to the bus.

Rags To Riches (Gerard Way/MCR)Where stories live. Discover now