Wild Things

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"Jen!!!!"came two voices as soon as I stepped backstage.

Frank and Gerard came flying out suddenly.

"There there kids"I chuckled.

After greeting all the guys and girls,it was time for the guys to take center stage.We cheered loudly along with the crowd.Christa,Jamia and Alicia were,although we hadn't spent a lot of time hanging out,good friends.

By the the time the band started thwir third songs,Our Lady of Sorrows,we were all slightly buzzed from our drinks and were laughing at "Frerard's" crazy stage antics.

Hmm.I think theres a better view from the front.So I headed up there,praying the crowd would focus on the band.Gerard winked at me while struttinf his stuff onstage.

I was enjoying the show so much that I hadnt realized when a hand came down on my shoulder.I jumped about a mile high.

"Woah,just me!" exclaimed a voice.

"Shit Andy!Planning on killing me early? Awesome that you came!

"Hope not! And yeah,thought checking out live MCR would be beter than roaming the streets...They're good by the way..totally awesome."nodding towards the band.

"Yeah!" I grinned.Anyone who liked MCR were good in my book.And Andy was already pretty high in my book.

"Hey!Wanna dance?"he asked gesturing to a mosh pit forming .

"Come on!" i dragged him to the pit.
Hmm.Lets see if Biersack can handle the moves.

I started moving,letting loose.I took his hands and placed them on my hands.Already I felt that place tingling.Andy,at first looked at me with wide eyes but then grinned and followed my lead.

Together,it felt like we burnt up the floor,with people dancing and the hard fast music playing,I felt pretty damn good.I turned around to face Andy putting my hands on his broad shoulders.I grinned,feeling light headed.

He gulped,"Urhgh Jenn?You have no idea what you're doing to me right now.I might have to..no I definitely have to take a cold shower after going home."

Feeling naughty and maybe a little too drunk I said,"Hmm maybe I do have an idea....."murmering that in his ears I rubbed the front of my skirt against his..He groaned."Hmm,looks like someone wants to say hello"I giggled.He grabbed my hands,making me stop.Looking into my eyes,he whispered,breathing hard"You have no idea how much self restraint is bein used right now to stop you but...not like this Jen.."

I pouted,"Awww!You're such a killjoy!Never figured Andy Biersack would be a killjoy....."I muttered.

He laughed and then sighed,"Can't believe im doin this but..Come on .."he said,leading me to the bar.

"No im not getting you another drink,here have this."He handed me a glass of...water! Ugh.

I took it from him still glaring and drank it.He ignored my death stares and watched the band.Oh the band!

I swivelled and watched them too.Just a few minutes after I turned,they ended their set."Thank you guys for coming out.We're My Chemical Romance and we hope we'll see you again!!"Gerard spoke into the mic,he set it down and stormed off stage.Uh oh...he obviously saw me.....

Feeling slightly guilty and more sober,I took Andy's hand leading him backstage."Come on,I'll introduce you guys."


Alicia's POV

I nudged Jamia,telling her to stop grinning "What?It was so fucking hot!"she protested

I shook my head.Thankfully no one had really recognised Jen,while she was..putting it lightly making out with a tremendously hot guy.No wonder Gerard's mood plunged after watching them.Whoever that guy is,its obvious they know each other.

"Why didnt she tell us,she was seeing someone?"I asked the girls,feeling slightly miffed.They shrugged.

Soon the band ended their set.

After closing,Gerard stormed off stage and slipped into the dressing room slamming the door shut.Sigh.We shared a knowing worried look.
This isnt gonna end well.I dont know whom to be mad at right now.Jennifer,while she doesnt have to wait for Gerard to snap out of it and dump Lindsey's ass,should have at least warned us.And Gerard....I dont know what anyone can say that will stop him from being so stupid and blind.These two...

As Ray and Mikey attempted to go calm Gerard down,Mikey stopped them advising that he should be given some space.

He shook his head walking up to us,"He's the biggest dumbass isnt he?He wants Jen to be happy but cant bear to see anyone else with her...And dude,wasnt that BVB's Andy with her?"

Frank nodded"Yeah...they look hot together."

Ray laughed dryly,'this isnt gonna end well"Voicing my thoughts.

Just then Jen walked up with Andy in tow.

"Hey guys...." she said sheepishly.

"Jen",Frank whispered and then increased it to a shout,"That was so fucking hot!!

"uh humm,she said ignoring him,"Guys,this is Andy.Andy this is Frank,Mikey,Gerards brother and their girlfriends,Jamia and Alicia.

And that couple over there",she said pointing to where Ray and Christa were talking,"Are Ray and Christa."

Andy nodded and grinned at us,"Great to meet you!"He added,You guys are awesome by the way."

She turned to us,"Wheres Ger?"

We looked at each other unsure how to answer.I said,"He's on the phone with Lindsey."

"Oh"Her lips thinned but she kept smiling."Alright,lets not wait for him and ...party!!"

All of us,except Mikey cheered and proceeded to get smashed.


Jen's POV
Huh...when did I end up in a car?

I turned my head out the window to see Andy and Mikey helping Frank,Gerard and Jamia to the car.Alicia was already inside.Sighhhh..so..sleeepy....

After everyone was settled,I heard Mikey asking Andy,"Do you mind driving?"

"Sure".Andy got into the drivers seat.He saw me struggling with the seatbelt and leaned over ti strap me in.Ignoring ny increased heart beat,I mumbled,"Mmm,u smells good Ands.." He did really.A woody smell.

He chuckled,reversing the car.He sighed,"Good thing I know where you live..."

Soon we were home.Everyone stumbled to the guest rooms and Andy helped me up to mine.He layed me down on the bed and as he turned to leave,I muttered a soft thanks,not sure if he heard me.


Sooo...how was it?
Extra long right?
I know the facts arent acurate And by the way,I love Lin-z but its just a story!!
And yeah!! I couldnt help it.I just had to add Andy.He.Is.So Awesome.
Its so soap opera isnt it?LOL.
Alright.Seeya *waves madly*

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