..And it all came crashing down?

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He promised.He fucking promised.

I dont know how long I sat there on the couch with silent tears of betrayal running down my face.What made matters worse was that this time I couldnt stop the flashbacks from the past.Images similar to what took place a few minutes ago replayed in my mind but instead of Gerard it was Cayden.....

Soon I felt my eyelids growing heavy and I let myself succumb to sleep and forget about the mess that is my life.

I was woken up by a slam of a door.I sat up from the couch in time to see Lindsey reach for the handle to the front door.I bit down my sudden need to claw out her eyes which were now glaring at me full of hate.

"Fucking bitch.Ruining my life evem when shes not with him."I heard her mutter.What?What did I do??

I didnt get to voice my bewildered question as she slammed the door on her way out.Crazy bitch...Whatever.

I dont have time for this,I thought grimly.

"Dont be afraid to kick his ass to the curb."Andys advice flashed through my mind.The timing of his advice was almost creepy really.

Im sorry Gee.I love him of course I do.No matter how many times he fucks up I always will but....Love is ugly.But sometimes this ugly love is what becomed the best kind at the end..but I guess not in this case.I cant keep getting hurt like this only to find my heart in pieces at the end.My resolve strenghthened.

I heard Mikey humming as the key turned and he entered.Sorry you guys.But right now...my heart comes first.

I steeled myself and approached him.

"Mikes,can I talk to you?"

He noticed my grim look amd sighed.

"He did it didnt he?Finally fucked something up." He looked at me ruefully.

I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off.

"You dont need to say it Jen.We need to leave.I agree.It ll be better this way.Whatever he did...i dont wanna know but.."

He shook his head and trailed off.

"We'll be gone first thing in the morning."

"Im sorry Mikey."

He just smiled balefully.

"But hey just cuz your brother is a dumbass doesnt mean I wont talk to you guys!Y'all mean the world to me,I swear!" I hugged him tightly.

"Of course Jen.I wouldnt even let you.Il...let him know and we'll be out first thing in the morning."


Gerards POV

I pleaded Jen with my eyes one last time.I dont want to lose her.Please....I cant.

I fucked up.Again...Really.I must have broken the record for the most fuck ups.That too regarding one person.One important beautiful person that I cant live without.

My mind transported me back to last morning.

I hadnt meant to get Lindsey home.Im not stupid.In fact,nowadays Lyndsey felt more like a fuck buddy more than a girlfriend.For that,I need to take my mind off a certain beautiful brunette..I had actually gone to her to break it off but somehow she managed to...UGHHH!.Stupid,stupid,stupid...

But last night,I tried..i tried to get Jennifer out of my mind.I thought maybe it was just since I hadnt slept with anyone in a while,which was quite a record for me honestly,maybe I could...I dunno..get her outta my system?Only, I realised well into the... umm,act with Lyndsey when I just couldnt get Jennifer out of my mind that well....to put it simply,I was screwed.But STILL,here I am with her not even giving me the chance to explain.Oh Gee,howd you screw up again?

Im well aware that Jen can do better,much better than me.Immediately,Andy's face comes to mind.A sear of white hot jealousy flashed through me when the image of Andy getting to hold her,kiss her,earning her love came to mind...I had nothing Biersack but respect but right now all I wanna do his smash his pretty face in.

I tried once more to get her attention,but she seemed pretty damn adamant to ignore me.Guess I deserve that.But I will,I WILL earn back her trust soon.Someday.

Time....I guess thats all I can give her right now.

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