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This must be some sick joke.Are there any cameras around?Mcr version of Punk'd?.Mikey looked at me questioningly."I have a feeling you had a not so good encounter with not so sober Gee.."

I looked at him warily,"you could say that..He shook his jead resignedly and sighed"Oh Gee.."Well Cary.I got my answer.Gerard is part chemical romance!!
Fuck my life...

Frank walked up to Gerard patting him on the back,seeing if he was conscious."Nope.Well lets get him to bed."

Ray,Mikey and Frank together lifted him and dropped him onto the bunk."Well...y'all had an easier time doing that than I did..."

Ray looked at me in startled "You've seen him like this?"

"Yeah..and got him sober too.."

"So thats why that day he was suprisingly in bed and not outside.You must have found him!"exclaimed Frank.

"If you mean couple of days ago,then yeah..."

"Shit Jen,Im really sorry, on Gerards behalf too.Thats it.This is the limit.Someones got to talk to him or hell,beat some sense into him!"

Everyone murmured their agreement.

Ray said."But for now we have a guest and we should party!"

"Yeah!!"Came the chorus approvals.

After we had stuffed ourselves with pizza,Frank announced,"Ive got the keg people!NOW lets party!!"

I laughed shaking my head.

A couple of beers later,just enough to feel lightheaded,i took a step outside needing some fresh air.As i sat on the steps,I heard the door open and someone step out.

"Frankie go away.I told you i dont want any more!-"as i turned expecting Frank to be holding up some more bottles,I saw Gerard grinning sheepishly at me.

My playful expression quickly changed into a hopefully menacing scowl hoping he'd go away.I did NOT wanna talk to him.Not now..Not ever.

But then again,do wishes ever come true?Not this one..Sigh.

"I....I'm sorry Jennifer.I really am."

I gazed at him coolly."Thats ok,Gerard.Really.I mean,I dont think i should have been suprised.You didnt exactly seem like the person to keep promises.But then,you dont look like a ditcher too.Lets not make a biggie out of it."

At this,his eyes flared."Listen to me,I Do know how to keep promises.You dont get the right to judge.You barely know me."

I smiled at him softly."Exactly."

I got up to go back inside but got stopped by his soft plea."Wait.Please."

I sighed and without looking at him,sat back down."What do you want?"

"A chance to explain would be nice."

I waved my hand asking him to go on.

"My situation is..complicated."That got a snort outta me and a glare from him."Let me explain.When i asked you out,It was to apologise for my behaviour that night but also cuz i havmt seem a more beautiful person than you".He stopped at that blushing."Um i wasmt supposed to say that out loud.Anyway,but I'd kinda sorta..umm.well..forgotten that umm..."

"What?Spit it out!" Well,a girl who ive had a crush on for quite a few weeks had finally agreed to go out with me and she called me that day.I mean,I couldnt even contact you since i forgot to ask your number!So I just went to her to..-"

I cut him of at that point.Enough."Fuck you,Gerard."I said softly and walked away,back to my bus without saying goodbye to the others.I dont think i can do that at the moment.Gotta get to the bus before the dam bursts you know...


Gerards POV
Shit."Jen,wait!! You didmt hear me out!!!" I shouted but either she didnt hear me or didnt want to.

Mikey came out then."Gee?Where did Jen go?"

I shook my head.Without replying O headed inside.

He groaned,following me inside."Oh Gerard!! What did you do now??"

I snorted.This should be a catchline.Oh Gerard!!When will you stop fucking up?Shut up.It seems like never.

"Leave me alone Mike."

'NO'.The force with which he replied made the others pause."Thats it Gerard.Not anymore.You can't do this.You have to stop fucking things up even for us.Whatever you said to Jen,messed up our relation too.So god help me,you have to stop!"

After this angry rant,Frank came up and said quietly"Gee i think you should go to bed."Without saying a word,I stalked off.I could still hear their voices calming Mikey and discussing me but I dont care.

Im gonna have to talk to Lindsey tomorrow.

Rags To Riches (Gerard Way/MCR)Where stories live. Discover now