Where We Go From Here

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Dude, I'm pretty sure Jennifer's going to kill you if you baby her anymore."
I couldn't agree more with Ray. As much as I loved him, I was going to have a murder on my hands with Gerard hovering around me all damn day.
Handing me the beer, Gerard scowled at Ray. "Ok, ok then, sue me for caring. As if it wasn't all my fault."
"It wasn't!!" Came the reply in unison from Ray, Frank, Mikey, Jamia and me.
"It was nobody's fault, Gee. Accidents happen", said Mikey as they all got ready to leave.
He nodded, sullenly as the door closed behind him.
I sighed and hobbled my way to him and hugged him from behind.
"Gerard Way, I promise you that I will be fine and dandy as long as you're here with your non smothering self. Also, it wasn't your fault. Now come here so that I can kiss you."
He laughed as we made our way to the couch. I was finally able to get his mind off it with my expertise.
It had been a few days since the accident and then I was allowed to go home. Now, the big question was which home? Obviously, Gerard, with his big mountain of guilt wanted to stay with me, not to mention that we had some big talking to do. So, obviously, I wasn't going to fly all the way to New Jersey so I made him stay with me, best decision ever by the way. Also, not so much.
After the big discussion on where we went from there, he took on the role of over protective boyfriend which at first I was absolutely loving. And then of course, that enthusiasm dimmed. Now I found new ways to keep him distracted. I even got him hooked to Supernatural, so more cuddles and Sam and Dean for me. And of course he loved it with all the...not natural stuff going on.
I looked over at him on the couch and smiled, feeling more content than I ever have before.


It's been a few years now. And I still want to bash Frank's head in. I swear I didn't have these violent tendencies before I met these idiots.
Of course, my idiot was still giggling, showing his little white teeth, at the ridiculousness. The Black Parade tour had taken its toll and I was not up for it at the time.
"Gerard are you kidding me? Stop laughing and tell Frank what an idiot he is."
He saluted me, put on his solemn face and turned to Frank, "Frankie, you're an idiot."
Ignoring him, I glared at Frank, who shrugged defensively.
"Oh come on, Jen. You're takiing it a little too seriously. I panicked."
"I know I am, but come on man, we look like idiots now! A Friendship ring? Really??"
As you can see, Gerard and I have been going strong, so much that I got proposed to at the very first place we met...


"Hey, Jennifer?"
I looked up from my guitar at the sound of a vaguely familiar voice and jumped, seeing the last person I ever expected to see.
"Lindsey? What....?"
She approached me  with a tentative smile and with a nervous tug at her coat said , " I know it's been years since I've seen you...and Gerard still keeps in touch..." she broke off when she saw me purse my lips but continued after a pause.
"...Look, I'm not the person I was before. Even then, I couldn't bear that someone who once thought I was everything now is head over heels with someone else. I know it sounds very egotistical but yeah. What I wanted to say was, I am really really happy that Gerard found you. Everyone can just look at you and tell that each one feels as though the world begins and ends with the other. It's something rare that everyone wishes they can have, including me. I wish you both all the happiness that you deserve." She broke off, with a small smile.
I got up from the steps of our tour bus and walked up to her. After a few seconds, I grinned.
"Apology accepted, Linz. I hope we can start over. I admit that yes I did have a problem with Gee remaining friends with you but it's alright. But...can I ask why?"
"Why, what?"
"As you said, it's been a few years..."
She grinned in a way as though she knew something I didn't.
"Uh, well. I admit I should have earlier but, why not now when it's not too late?"
Hmm. Suuuure.
I suddenly grinned, "Yeah, but very poetic timing for you though. Ending it where it all started."
She grinned that annoying smile again.
I looked over her shoulder to see Frank, Ray and Mikey approaching, all with idiotic grins on their faces.
Lindsey nodded at them and then turned to me to say goodbye.
As soon as she left, I entered the bus where the guys were still snickering but they stopped as I entered. I raised an eyebrow but ignored them, started talking about how weird that thing with Lindsey was.
I broke off as Mikey came up to me and crushed me in a bear hug.
He shook his head and grinned at me.
"Ehh, its nothing. I just really love you. You should call Gerard, he wants you to meet him somewhere."
I raised an eyebrow at his uncharacteristic display of affection but then shrugged as I dialed Gee.
As usual, I couldn't stop the huge smile from encompassing my face when I heard his voice.
'Hey baby, I miss you."
I laughed, "Yeah, surprisingly, I   miss you too even though it's been an hour or so. Where are you?"
"Hey what can I say,I'm adorable. In fact,, I miss you so damn much I want you to come to the place where it all began."
Huh? What does that mean? I pestered him for more details but he didn't budge. He hung up after quickly shouting, "I love you!" into the receiver.
I stared at the phone in annoyance, before heading out with a sigh. They guys in the bus shouted together, "See ya sister!"
Ugh, what's wrong with them?
I walked around, trying to figure out what he meant before it struck me.
I broke off into a sprint.
Where it all began was where we first met. An open space, where I'd first seen him, 3 years ago at Warped.
I started laughing as I saw him lying down on the grass in the exact same place. He beckoned me over and sat up grinning.
"Hey, Angel."
"Gee, what are you doing?"
"Oh, just something that I've been waiting for."
I cocked my head to a side, not understanding. He fumbled around in his coat pocket before doing something that almost made my jaw dropped.
He got down on one knee.
My hands went to my mouth. Oh my god.
He smiled his crooked smile that still made my heart leap.
"Get ready, baby, because I have quite some things to say."
He took a deep breath. "Sometimes, life feels really messy and difficult to understand. I...I try to close my eyes and believe that even though I can't see the other side right then that there's a masterpiece being woven from all the shit that life throws at you. To see the bigger picture, that's all you need. You helped me see mine, Jennifer. I don't know if I can say all will be good. I only know that loving me will bring you pain. But I dearly hope you will take a chance. Because if you don't then, I don't think I'll ever breathe as deeply as when I'm with you. You are the air that I breathe. I thought I made you up in my drugged up stupor. I was living in darkness and that I imagined you into existence, standing over me looking annoyed to have to deal with me." He broke off into a reminiscent chuckle and I laughed, through my tears.
"For the first time ever, I know that no matter the obstacles in life, with you, I'd make it. You're my golden, my angel. So, Jennifer Camryn Hardy, would you make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?"
I was still laughing or still crying, I'm not really sure anymore. All I knew was that I needed to join him on the ground. So I did.
I slid down and touched my forehead to his and whispered, "Forever and always."
He pulled away his face revealing his eyes which were dancing with joy and then with a whoop of joy lifted me and twirled around. We were so lost in our happy bubble that it took us a while to register the loud whistles and claps.
I looked around to see all familiar faces grinning at us. Mikey, Frank, Ray, Jamia, Andy with Juliet, Patrick, Pete and then surprisingly, Lindsey.
All of them, except Lindsey enveloped us in a group hug all congratulating us together. I was having a hard time keeping it together, I was bursting with happiness.
It seems all of them knew about this. I wasn't surprised, given their weird behavior.
Later, at night in the tour bus, Gerard crawled up into bed with me. I scooted and cuddled up to him.
"Hi, fiancée."
"Hi, fiancé." I giggled.
He sighed, "Is there a way to die from happiness? It sure feels like it. I love you Jen. With heart and soul."
I love you too Gerard. Heart and soul.


I snapped out of it still smiling and with a sigh turned to Frank again.
"Well, it's damage control time. Let's clear it up through MCR's website."
So then later, we wrote a post on the site announcing our engagement which got an overall overjoyed reception which was heartwarming. There were a fair share of negative responses but eh, it was expected.
Later as we returned from our respective last tour shows, Gerard kissed me and resting his forehead against mine said, "Now, for the wedding. Ready, future Mrs. Way?"
"As I'll ever be, Mr. Way."

4 Months Later.


"You're a damn lucky man Gerard. There's no need to be nervous. It's just your best friend man."
I laughed, shakily.
"I know, Andy. It's just...what if I screw this up? Like everything else? I can't lose her man."
He shook his head, adjusting my tie once more he said, "You really think Jen would leave if you did? No, she'd be right by your side helping you out. Now stop worrying and get your ass out there next to your brother. And me back to your soon to be wife. Alright, sound good?"
I nodded. "Yeah, of course. I can't wait."


"I wish Alicia could be here, you look so beautiful Jen!"
I sighed, looking into the mirror as she adjusted my long trail.
"Yeah, me too Jams." Mikey and Alicia had broken up right around the Jamie-Gerard-Me saga. Mikey didn't want to add to the mess so he'd kept quiet through it all.
Now, I took a deep breath and turned to Jamia with a smile.
"I'm so happy Jams."
She grinned., "As you should, Jenny. You two will be just fine. Andy should be here any second. You got your bouquet?"
Just as I nodded there was a knock at the door, signaling go time.
I stepped out to see a grinning Andy ready with his arm out.
"It's time Jennifer." And so it was.
I hadn't worked out the courage to meet Caiden to mend things with him. So I didn't really have anybody to walk me down the aisle. Well, I did. But not blood. So I asked Andy to step in instead and he happily agreed.
We started walking slowly as the wedding march became louder. I was so freaking nervous about tripping on the long white trail that I forgot to look up immediately.
But when I did, I soon forgot my trepidation and all I could see was the beautiful man standing at the end waiting for me, a huge smile on his face. An answering smile blossomed on mine as he mouthed, "You look beautiful, angel."
All our wedding guests stood up, an air of intense joy all around. I saw all the band members standing next to him and my two bridesmaids on my side; Jamia and Juliette. I almost squealed as I saw Carey sitting right up front with his date Damien amd then next to him,I saw all of Fall Out Boy, wide grins plastered on their faces. And then to my utter surprise, I saw a glint of copper hair.Jamie. He nodded to me and gave me a thumbs up.
But honestly, even through all that, my attention was on Gerard. After all the crap we've been through, we were still standing and we always will be.
All my fears of losing him again disappeared as I neared him. And vanished completely after our vows and as I said "I do", I knew we would be okay. He was my golden and I was his.
With Gerard, it would always feel like I'd gone from rags to riches.

                              The End


Final A.N:
And we're done.I'm actually done with my first ever project. It got quite some reads too. I know it seemed a little rushed but I was feeling a little impatient with this so I tried to complete if before the effort became half hearted. I couldn't add as much fluff as I'd wanted:(..... but oh well. Next one then.
I was planning to do the future as well but I think I should stop here. They got their HEA I think.
Anyway, I hope you liked it. Comment, fav,and stuff .
See you in the next one(I hope).

Hi it's me from the future for a bit of shameless self promo :D

I wanted y'all to know that I have another ongoing book published! It's a Supernatural fic called Sacrifice [ Yes, cringey name] but tbh I have NOT stuck to the original show. So it's just a fictional story, romance again duh. So if you'd like [please!] come check that out and leave feedback. It would mean a lot to me since I've put in a lot pf effort into it. So anyone into Supernatural and Dean Winchester, please check it out! 

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