Gee and Mikey's world crumbles

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I video called Cary to help me with my date due to his insisting

He had so much more dress sense than me,if I had my way I of course would just wear a band tee.

Instead,Cary acted like a "step by step guide on how to look pretty."

He made me wear a black netted dress which was lined dark blue with stilletos;an outfit that I would reserve for special parties to which he replied:"One,parties you Think are important and Two,this IS a special occassion".

Next,he made me apply my make up with precision.Dark mascara making my eyelashes curl and get my eyes to stand out.Blush and a little gloss,and I was done.When I glanced at the mirror,I took a step back in suprise.I was so busy dressing that I hadnt seen saw how I reaally looked.The wide eyed person was a stranger.Her eyes now I held a cat like shape with the green in them and her eyelashes standing out.The dress and the shoes together made it look like my legs were endless.My hair tumbled down till my chest in big chestnut waves, glistening.

"Oh Jen!!You look...." Cary sighed dreamily.

I nodded,unable to speak.I felt my stomach drop.Instead of the anticipation of Andy's reaction.I was balefully,dreaming that it was Gee instead.Ive never done this.Never been the girl to waste time pining over a boy.Looks like he's all kinds of exceptions.

Well.Snap out of it.

"Alright hon,.You've got about an hour before he arrives

I'll talk to you later.Tell me all about it but I'll see it in the papers anyway!And he gave me a stern look."And dont.Think.About your best friend.Well...other best friend slash person you seem hopelessly in love with.

I laughed while closing the laptop.He so totally caught me.

Everyone except Gerard had gone to the studios to record their instruments,so i expected him to be there alone reading a comic or something but not with his head in his hands,his shoulders shaking ,that is how I found him when I walked to the living room.

"Gee?Whats wrong?"

No answer.He just kept staring deep into space.

I rubbed his back."Gerard?"I repeated softly.

Almost robotically,his head turned.When he saw me,I saw a flash of something that I couldnt place.But he started speaking.


I had to decipher what he was saying but when I did..I gasped,immediately tears forming in my eyes.Elena....

I had met their Grandma once few months back.She was the sweetest thing.She seemed fine then!I knew how close Mikey and Gee were with her.Which is why I had no idea how hard this news had hit him.

"Oh Gee..."I sighed making up my mind.I have to stay.Can't possibly go on a date now!

I called Andy.

"Jen?Everything ok?I'll there in half an hour."

"Andy...Im sorry but we're gonna have to take a rain check.."My voice cracked.

"Whats wrong?" He sounded alarmed.

"Im ok.Its Mikey and Gee's grandma...."

" she ok?"

"I think...."

"Oh....ohhh..Ok jen.Yeah you do have to stay there with them."

"Andy....I promise we'll do this later. Im sorry!"

"Hey its ok.Call me when you'll reach Jersey yeah?"


"Jen?You did know you'll have to go to her funeral for Gerard and Mikey right?"

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