Heart Like Yours

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Being born into a happy family, with a protective older brother already in love with his new baby sister, two parents who cherished their little princess. But then life getting in the way. A life getting snatched away, leaving me without a mom, never knowing what that feels like. But my father and brother, stepping up so that I never feel the loss.

But soon after, everything going awry.And then me....here.With people who I now call family. Ups and downs, sure. But at the end, we know what we mean to the other. I can say without a doubt that...no regrets. These entire flashbacks one after the other. I can say with experience that when your life's slipping away, your whole life does flash before you. The good AND the bad.

But suddenly, I was standing in darkness and in front of me, the person who has consumed all my thoughts the last few months of my life. It was silent all around but suddenly...it wasn't.

He extended his hand, smiling sweetly as always. I hesitated. Should I go or stay? It was nice here. Without all the hardships that life would surely have in store for me. If I stay, I could forever be among all these happy memories. But something, something like hope compelled me to reach out. Hope for something better which could be witnessed only if I went. Hope that the smiling angel in front of me gave. Two things happened at once.

If it were possible, his smile brightened even more. And then..... I heard music.



It's weird that epiphanies take place in the wake of some cataclysmic event, where the horrifying cacophony of metal hitting flesh, bone is what serves as a wakeup call...or so it seems to me, since all my 'revelations' happen after such...incidents.

"Gerard?" A tentative voice shook me out of my morbid thoughts.

My eyes snapped open, thinking it's her. But no. Jamie and Jamia stood in front in front of me, both looking concerned. If I could, I'd laugh at their co-incidental names. But I couldn't.

Jamia spoke up," Gee, you look like shit. Think that's what she wants to wake up to?"

If she will, that is. My body jolted at the appalling thought. They both jumped at the sudden movement. My eyes filled up for the millionth time since that night. Looking at me, even Jamia had a few tears in her eyes and she hugged me tight. Though, I felt numb, not really able to feel anything.

Jamie said softly but I felt the determination in his words," Listen, man, if anything, you know Jen's a fighter. She will wake up."

I nodded, hoping for the best. But, it'd been three days. Shouldn't she come back to us by now?

Jamia left with a sigh. Jamie turned as well but not before he said, "Gerard, Jamia's right. Perhaps you should get some sleep. I'll give you some space right now but do you mind if I come back later? I'd like to see her once before I go."

I lifted my head. Making eye contact and speaking for the first time since they entered, "That's alright, Jamie. And thanks. I'm not leaving her but I'll...I dunno, sleep on the couch here."

He nodded, and left.

Jen's hands were cold. I held her hand and whispered for the millionth," Come back to me Jenny. I'm sorry. I love you. Please."

My voice broke at the last word. What can I do?

Suddenly, my mind started working. I stood up abruptly and I went outside to call Ray.

I came back in with a guitar in hand. This is all I had. If I know anything about her, it's that Jennifer had always had music as her solace. If anything, music could get her back or at least provide comfort wherever she was. I strummed the guitar, beginning the song that I had written for her yesterday.

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