Coffee and Jennifer..Perfect.

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The next morning, a gigantic cup of coffee later,as I stepped off the bus I peered around to see if there were any more high idiots stumbling around.I took a deep breath.I can't believe yesterday happened.Memories that had been suppressed with hard work sprung back like just a few months and not years had passed.Tears sprung involuntary and I  brushed them away.

Deep breaths Jenny. As Headfirst for Halos goes 'think happy thoughts'. At the thought of My Chemical Romance, I perked up.Now those guys were something.The first time I heard them,I was sure they were going places. The lead singer...well he was something that's for sure.The lyrics he wrote, they were heartfelt and poetic.I should get some research done on them..I don't even know their names.Or maybe I could meet them! They were here last I heard. 

But soon enough my thoughts took a full circle to yesterday.Who was that guy anyway?!Annoyance bubbled up at Gerard but..sure, he was a druggie and that had to stop but I knew it wasn't exactly his fault that I lost it today.At the same time I felt my face get hot thinking about how I must have stared at him for 5 minutes at least.He was beautiful to say the least.I couldn"t deny the weird magnetic pull between us yesterday.Of cpurse, i felt a connection with a possible drug addict. I touched my wrists,where he had held on to apologize. I could still sort of feel the tingling.But all said and done I still didn;t know which friggin band he was part of.A thought was nagging me in the back of my mind. Why did he sound so familiar? Whatever. I'll know soon enough.We were at at the Warped tour after all.As I got off the bus to meet my manager Wendy for rehearsal for my last show.Ha!I remember when she first gave me the news that I was to perform at the Warped tour. I shook my head and walked towards the arena ready to put on 'one hell of a show' as Wendy says.


Gerard's P.o.v

Oh god help me. I feel like a bulldozer ran over my head! But I had a feeling it would have been a lot worse if not for Jen..I blushed thinking of my behavior last night.I hadn't recognized her but today as I realized who had helped me out yesterday..I was mortified.Jennifer fucking Hardy!! Fuck fuck fuck...why Gerard why??I don't know what she thinks of me now but I have an idea..I closed my eyes,in frustration. But soon opened them with sudden determination. I'm gonna try and make it up today.Maybe find her and apologize..maybe ask her if she wants go get a cup of coffee. Shut up Gerard,we both know why you wanna apologize, my mind sneered. Shut up mind!!  Ugh I gotta get off this bus and take a walk.Damn the guys and their lovestruckness! Do they have to spend every walking moment with their girlfriends,I thought sullenly as I kicked some stones out of the way. Not that I'd know what that was like..

Our performances didn't start for a couple of days now. I hadn't got a chance to talk to the guys since I woke up so damn late.Damn Mikey,Frank and Ray are gonna be pissed..well..they've been getting frustrated with me increasingly now..I don't blame them. 

I could distract myself today. Maybe find Jennifer while she's rehearsing? Or I could wait near her tour bus...Yeah that'll be better.Less of a crowd....


Jen's P.o.v

I stopped short in surprised to see a figure clad in black sitting on my tour bus steps with his head on his knees. Gerard!!.

"Um,hey" I said as i approached cautiously.He jumped up with a start.I had to choke back laughter at his deer in headlights look.Gosh he was adorable. Jeez, get a hold on yourself Jen!

"Gerard,what are you doing here? Everythin alright?" I asked concerned. 

At that he shook his head"No, no. Everything's fine..I just came by to apologize again" 

"Apology accepted and..?" My eyebrows rose in question. He continued "Just wanted to ask if....youwantedtogetsomecoffee? He said the last part so quickly that I took a moment to understand. And when I did..I don't think anyone has seen someone get as red as we did. 

"I....yeah sure" I tried to say nonchalantly but hell if it worked i was so friggin happy.My answer surprised us both. Watsup with that Jenny?Okay so he seems nice and hot and cute and adorable and ..ookay stop the internal rant right there honey

"Oh..really?Yeah I thought it'd be cool you know friends getting some coffee..Okay then, um what time would be fine? Is 7 okay?" he mumbled.

Huh.As friends.Well that dashed my hopes a bit. But yeah friends would be better.For both of us. What was I thinking? 

"Yeah,seven is perfect"I smiled.For some reason he started blushing at that. I raised my eyebrows.He shook his head, still smiling. Okayyyy.

"Well I'll see you then..."He said and started to leave albeit reluctantly.I waved and said that I looked forward to it.

Well Jen,you have a date. Tonight.Sort of.


Gerard's P.o.v

As I  left her bus, I felt my knees buckle I was so fucking excited.Get a hold of yourself Gee. 

I only added the "as friends" part for Jennifer but I sure as hell am gonna treat it like a date.And when she said "Perfect" I almost said "like you".Man I'm losing control. 

Coffee and Jennifer what a blissful combination.

Okay now to get ready..

Thank the god's she agreed ,Gerard.

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