This Is The Best Day Ever (part 1)

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(AN:Sup peeps.So this is gonna a fun chapter after all the gloom in the last one.Sorta like a filler,didmt want to immediately start the funeral thingy.And yeah just wanted to remind y'all that Jennifer's songs will like,be a mix of any situation appropriate songs amd songs that I like..mostly they will be boy based songs like by Avril or Tay swift. So yeahh...Read on!)

I cracked open one eye from my position leaning into Gee on the couch,to see him sleeping with his mouth open giving out baby snores.I suppressed a snort.He looks so cute.Im not sure he's an adult.

I nudged him trying to wake him up.

"Nnnnn...sixty seconds more..."was the only response.

Hmmm..Today was a rare holiday for all of us.While they were making good use of it,trying to distract themselves from the impending funeral news,Gerard decided to stay home since he had nothing to do.

I would have rescheduled my date but I decided to spend sometime with'd been a while.And we were wasting it!

I checked the clock.It was 11.Ok.I've decided.Lets do stuff today.

I got up.Feeling mischievious,I got up and got a can of whipped cream.

Shaking it slightly,I tiptoed to him.

Then,slowly I sprayed a beard on him Santa style,whipped creamed his eyebrows lightly.

"Mmm.."Shit.Hes gonna wake up.
I took out my phone and clicked a couple of pictures.

I hurriedly put back the can and took my original place pretending to wake him up.

"Whhaa..Yeah IM awake!"

"Sleeping beauty"

"Whatever.Im gonna freshen up now."

I composed my face.Counting silently,I waited as he made his way to the bathroom and then...


Thats when I lost it,rolling on the floor laughing.He came back with a glare on his face but when he saw me,he broke into a grin.

I got up slowly,insides hurting with all the laughter and walked up to him.His eyes widened as I leaned in and licked his cream covered chin.

His eyes narowed as he rubbed his chin mocking thoughtfulness,purposely getting cream on his hands.

"Well.Jenny.I think I deserve a hug after I took the joke so well."Saying that,he slowly walked towards me with predatory steps.With wide eyes and a sheepish grin I took several steps back till I hit a wall.Uh oh.

And with that he pounced,imprisoning me in a bear hug.

I screamed as I got covered in cream as well.Vanilla flavor.


All he did was laugh evilly as he muttered,"Never mess with G-nator!"

I snorted,"G-nator?You dork.Well,i woke u up from your slumber to tell you that we're..gonna do something."

He looked up with interest."What?Whats that?"

I shrugged."I dunno,anything not just

laze around..its a beautiful day."

He nodded."Yeahh..ok well.Lets get changed,I have something to show you."

Nodding,we both went into our rooms and emerged 15 minutes later both with wet hair.

He called me into his room.

As I walked in,I realised this was the first time I'd been in here after they moved in.Weird.

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